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STOP EVERYTHING: Flight Centre puts Summer Ball on hold for soccer match

What does a travel agency group do when thousands of their consultants would rather watch a historic soccer match than sit in a conference hall listening to speeches?

What does a travel agency group do when thousands of their consultants would rather watch a historic soccer match than sit in a conference hall listening to speeches?

Put everything on hold and turn on the bloody TV!

That’s exactly what the Flight Centre Travel Group did over the weekend when the England v Sweden game clashed with their annual top achievers Summer Ball.

A little birdie told KARRYON that some 2,000 Flight Centre employees were so bummed about missing the match that Chris Galanty – the Managing Director of Europe and Africa – decided to pause the conference and host a massive viewing party instead.

The insider said Galanty messaged everyone attending the Summer Ball to acknowledge the devastating clash and to announce a tweak to the agenda so that the kickoff would be shown live at the event.

“It was an incredible experience.”

Flight Centre Employee

Videos shared on social media captured the live viewing party and it looked like quite the celebration, especially when England made history by making it into the semi finals for the first time since 1966.

Watch some 2,000 Agents celebrate the rare win below…

And the celebrations continued…

They shouted “it’s coming home” for ages…

And just kept partying…


READ: Giddy England fans drive airfare demand from AUS to UK

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