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Agents who don’t 'care deeply' predicted to become irrelevant to their clients

In a world full of bad news, your clients need to experience first hand how much you genuinely do care, about them and the greater good.

In a world full of bad news, your clients need to experience first hand how much you genuinely do care, about them and the greater good.

Not a day passes anymore without some PR disaster blowing up and devaluing a personal or business brand’s credibility within hours of a scandal breaking.

Usually, it’s because a brand or an individual lied, failed to deliver on a promise, was found to be corrupt in some way or was busted for blatantly intending to deceive people.

People’s trust has been betrayed, and now they are dropping the full force of the internet on the offender in an almighty rage. And usually, rightly so.

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Whether it’s Coles and the whole plastic debacle, another low-cost carrier stranding people, or a bank double dipping… the outcome is the same. Bon voyage credibility.

While It’s almost always been this way, the difference today is that thanks to the proliferation of social media, everything happens so much faster. Transparency is everything, and there’s nowhere to hide once a scandal hits and virally spreads out of control within hours.

So if customers turn sour on your brand, you’re in trouble – but it can also work the other way positively too which is more important to remember.


By definition, brand perception is ‘a persons gut reaction or feeling towards you, your product or service.’ It’s not about logos as they are merely the badge that identifies them.

As an example, think about this for a second. If I say “Apple, Starbucks, KMart, Adani, Donald Trump, Webjet and Louis Vuitton” How do you feel about each brand? Positive? Negative or indifferent? Your instant response is the strength of that brand’s power with you personally.

Better make sure people think of you positively when your name is mentioned then.


What’s the solution to caring more as a travel agent?


Efficient customer service is one thing, but robots (hello online) can perform most of those tasks these days, so that won’t cut it as an exclusive point of difference anymore.

Empathy and caring about more than just the transaction and dollar, however, is a whole other world of opportunity.

Firstly, being human, honest and caring about your client’s wellbeing before, during and after their travel plans will go a long way to winning any client over for life.

Travel Counsellors is an excellent example of a group that doesn’t even advertise to consumers, focusing instead on a strategy of delivering exceptional ‘caring’ service to tap long-term repeat and referral bookings. Multi-award winning Melbourne Travel Counsellor Matt Schmitz, for example, told KARRYON of spending “an evening helping to pack an elderly client’s bags for her trip.”

So start with an obvious question; Why is your client travelling anyway? For a long-awaited dream family holiday? A milestone celebration with a group of friends? Getting over a death in the family? Relationship break up? Special surprise gift for someone? Or just because they deserve it…


Whatever their reason (there will always be one – no-one ‘just goes’ on a trip), think about how can you bring it to life even more with some special touches and turn their original ‘plans’ into an unforgettable life experience?

Because who doesn’t want to be looked after and spoilt? Try finding that kind of service online.

Then, take it to the next level and start a conversation with your clients about how you as an agent are also caring for your industry and the world by giving your clients informed ethical choices around the products you sell and the places you send them.

A beach clean up with Hurtigruten...

A beach clean up with Hurtigruten…

Perhaps you are personally giving back to causes and passions you have locally and in the world and are ensuring your footprint is as kept as minimal as possible in the way you work and in your office environment for example.

As an expert and purveyor of travel – believe in the power of travel to change the world. That’s your ‘why’ or ‘purpose’. That’s the reason you do what you do right?

From the moment you send them on their travels, to during their trip and the return home and beyond, you’ve got some many more opportunities to genuinely show you care about their wellbeing and experience.


Saying no to animal riding is a positive step. Image: Trinity Treft/Unsplash

“You really do care don’t you?” your clients say as they book their fifth trip with you. Caring is infectious. It makes us all feel good.

Consider then that travel is as much about status as it is the experience, so giving your clients positive feel-good stories to share means they’ll tell all of their friends, family and colleagues – because it makes them look good too. Which becomes a win-win for everyone.

And in the end, isn’t that why we’re in the travel game?

Get inspired:

Do you have great stories to share of caring genuinely for your clients? We’d love to hear them.