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OPEN FOR LOUVRE: Eiffel Tower & other sites reopen after Paris protests

Paris' iconic attractions including the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre and more, have reopened after riots in the French capital forced them to close their doors.

Paris’ iconic attractions including the Eiffel Tower, The Louvre and more, have reopened after riots in the French capital forced them to close their doors.

Hundreds of tourists missed out on seeing some of France’s popular sites late last week, due to safety concerns generated by mass protests in Paris.

According to reports, thousands of locals took to the streets to speak out against social inequality, which they attribute to France’s President, Emmanuel Macron.

Despite moves to stop mass corruption in French politics, act against cheapening labour, plans to provide refugees with better asisstance and his strong environmentally-friendly stance, the President has been accused of poor leadership.

Protests over the weekend saw some 1,200 people arrested and 135 injured while demanding lower taxes, higher minimum wages and better pensions, The Independent reported.

The Eiffel Tower and the Lourve were among the capital city’s major sites to close in response to safety concerns, and have since re-opened to the public.

In a Tweet, the Eiffel Tower said that it reopened on Sunday and advised visitors to expect long waits.

The Louvre also issued a public statement on Saturday explaining that it too would operate as per usual from Sunday onwards.


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