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#WORTHMORE: Do Travel Agents think they’re being paid fairly?

Hot off the heels of C&M Travel Recruitment's travel industry salary survey results that we shared last week, we asked you, our dear readers, if you thought you were being paid fairly.

Hot off the heels of C&M Travel Recruitment’s travel industry salary survey results that we shared last week, we asked you, our dear readers, if you thought you were being paid fairly.

The results are in and it looks like a vast majority of you feel that you’re underpaid for the amount of hard work you do.

One of our top Facebook fans, Sara Wiginton said the problem is that Travel Agents are not viewed as a professional service.

“They are treating us like “retail sales people”, same as if you walked into Myer… so that’s how our clients see us, and that’s how we are getting paid.”

Karryon reader, Sara Wiginton

“We are providing a service which INCLUDES products we are trying to sell… but it is our SERVICE that is getting overlooked and THAT, my friends, is our most valuable product.”

HERE HERE! We feel you Sara. Your most valuable service DOES get overlooked.

Another top fan, Vivienne Maroun echoed that sentiment saying Travel Agents “are a professional service” whose “time, experience and knowledge is priceless”.

“In general this industry is underpaid and undervalued. #worthmore,” she said.

Stacey Nation-Daley suggested that Travel Agents would get paid more if wholesalers/airlines paid more.

“I agree agents do an amazing job but they are expected to do way too much for such little amount of commission meaning employers can’t afford to pay more,” she commented.

Karryon Facebook fan Bianca Piljic caused a stir with her suggestion that most Travel Agents “know nothing other than which product gives them the most commission. Then proceed to get upset when you don’t purchase that product. And little if not minimal knowledge of geography”.


All in all most of you agreed that your time and knowledge was worth a lot more than your current wage.



Do you think Travel Agents deserve better pay?