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BETTER TOGETHER: How a Kiwi agency group won back consumers

There were times when New Zealand's agency group House of Travel thought it wouldn't survive the evolving travel scene, not unless something was done to reconnect with customers.

There were times when New Zealand’s agency group House of Travel thought it wouldn’t survive the evolving travel scene, not unless something was done to reconnect with customers.

The agency group’s roughest days were shared by Director Carlee Paterson in Perth over the weekend, where she admitted that somewhere along the way travellers had forgetten that they were the group’s reason for being.

Speaking at the TravelManagers Conference, Paterson said Chris Paulsen launched the business in 1987 with the sole intention of being entirely customer-focused, which it has.


However, the Director admitted, that the company needed to be a little braver in communicating its commitment to clients, which led to the launch of ‘Better Together’.

The three-part TVC campaign called ‘Better Together’ launched earlier this year to emphasise the the value House of Travel delivers to every traveller.

“The concept is simple – together we will create a better travel experience than either of us can on our own.”

Carlee Paterson, House of Travel Board Director

“We actually embrace the knowledge that the customer has and celebrate it.”

She continued, saying that the videos also worked to tackle head on Travel Agent myths, such as they’re more expensive than online and they don’t bring value.

And it’s working so far. Together the videos have had over 800,000 views on Youtube alone and received positive comments from viewers.

“Our futures are dependent to our revelance to our customers.”

Carlee Paterson, House of Travel Board Director

Click here to watch the third video.