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FAKE NEWS: New Agent TV Show 'Upsell, Upsell, Upsell' to Launch

The upsell is both an art form and a science, and soon, it will be just another guilty pleasure for the reality TV viewing public, thanks to the arrival of Upsell Upsell Upsell later this year.

The upsell is both an art form and a science, and soon, it will be just another guilty pleasure for the reality TV viewing public, thanks to the arrival of Upsell Upsell Upsell later this year.

The new profit-breaking TV series, slated to appear on Channel 9, will be loosely based on everyone’s (Ok not everyone’s) favourite lifestyle programme, Location Location Location.

However, instead of finding the perfect home for a different set of house hunters each week, Upsell Upsell Upsell will help agents smash their weekly targets and find the perfect upsell for their clients.

Hosted by a couple of Australia’s leading sales experts – names of which have not yet been revealed – the show will put 12 plucky travel agents from around the country through their paces as they each try and outsell each other.

Each week, the agents will be accompanied by one of the hosts as they sit down to consult with their clients, and given instructions on when and what to upsell during the consultation.

These instructions will be communicated through a range of facial expressions and hand gestures, which will take both the agents and the hosts six weeks to learn in an undisclosed training camp rumoured to be in Nusa Dua, Bali.

According to an inside source, each agent appearing on the show agreed to take these six weeks as unpaid leave, as they’re certain the new TV show will do wonders for their careers and pay off big time.

During the 10 episodes of the show, each agent will be given a 60-minute consultation to seal the deal and upsell the most. And at the end of the week, the total sales of the 12 agents will be compared in an exciting Sunday night elimination show.

Are you ready for the drama?!


“It’s basically about schooling agents in the gentle art of the upsell, which is a win-win situation for the agent and the client. At the end of each week, the agent with the biggest profit margin will take home a sweet weekly prize,” the show’s producer revealed in a private conversation with KarryOn.

“I can’t reveal too much at this stage, but let me say this: there will be tantrums, dummy-spits and tears, and we’re so excited about seeing how the Australian public react to this novel idea in TV history,” the producer continued.

So, schedule some work drinks around the telly soon guys. This is going to be one sweet ride…

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is a KarryOn Comedy article and is obviously satire. It should in no way be taken seriously unless you want to that is.