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Together In Travel: 7 Top Tips To Stay Sane For Working From Home

Each day across Australia, more and more companies are instructing employees to work from home. For some in the travel industry, this will be new territory so we figured you might need some handy tips on how to manage your day.

Each day across Australia, more and more companies are instructing employees to work from home. For some in the travel industry, this will be new territory so we figured you might need some handy tips on how to manage your day.

Tim Hannah, who has been working from home on and off for the last 4 years due to a motorcycle accident, has generously shared a few key ideas to help keep you productive and focused.

His overall advice for the industry is to “embrace this opportunity if you get it”.

“Working from home can have huge benefits for your productivity and job. This virus will change the flexibility of a lot of workplaces all over the world… which is an awesome thing,” he said.

Here are Tim’s top 7 tips.


1. Set an area for your work

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Whether this is a specific office, a desk in a room or a table set up, just make sure it is a work area for work.

2. Drink decent Coffee

This one is just common sense, right?

3. Get dressed each day

Sounds silly but make sure you put decent clothes on. You never know when you will get a video conference call.

4. Keep in regular contact with your colleagues

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Even if this is just phone calls, this is vital to stop you getting cabin fever.

5. Eat a decent lunch

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You will save a tonne on eating out so may as well eat decent food at home.

6. Talk to your family about what you do each day resizeimage 4 3

Just because you do work at home, doesn’t mean you can’t talk about your day.

7. Listen to some music resizeimage 9

Turn it up loud if you want to focus more. This does not work for everyone but for me, if I need to get stuff done, I crank the tunes!
Ultimately, Tim says, we will get through it, we just have to hang on for a rocky ride!