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Travel Counsellors' ‘TC Community Cup’ Provides "A Well-Needed Laugh"

Travel Counsellors Australia has concluded their first-ever ‘TC Community Cup’, a fun two-week challenge designed to encourage community engagement and lift the spirits of Travel Counsellors dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

Travel Counsellors Australia has concluded their first-ever ‘TC Community Cup’, a fun two-week challenge designed to encourage community engagement and lift the spirits of Travel Counsellors dealing with the COVID-19 crisis.

The TC Community Cup was a two-week program for Travel Counsellors to complete activities and challenges in groups, each led by a team leader.

Held virtually, teams selected two activities each week to complete together such as sharing favourite cocktail recipes, hosting themed video calls, sharing hobbies and skills, and cook-alongs with travel-inspired recipes.

Teams enthusiastically shared pre-recorded videos and photos of their activities on the weekly digital ‘TCTV’ programme which saw Travel Counsellors across the country tuned in ready to celebrate an afternoon of shared laughter and enjoyment.


Regional Managing Director, Kaylene Shuttlewood explains “The travel agent community has been severely impacted by the ongoing pandemic and the mental wellbeing of our Travel Counsellors has been our primary focus.”

“Launching a fun challenge like the TC Community Cup gives our agents the opportunity to connect with their fellow Travel Counsellors and engage in activities for a well-needed laugh.”

Kaylene Shuttlewood, Regional Managing Director

TC Community Cup

Travel Counsellors
Susan Burns, Cheryl Andrews, Donna Jones, Glenda Carter, Andrew Turner, Christine Balch and Andrea Elias

Travel Counsellors Head Office staff also involved themselves in the festivities by hosting weekly Tuesday Trivia, testing both travel and general knowledge, and Masterchef Fridays for everyone to join a live video call and cook along with a Head Office member. These two events were enjoyed by everyone and by popular demand has been requested to continue for the foreseeable future.

Speaking of the TC Community Cup, Travel Counsellor and team leader Susan Burns said; “We valued the chance to keep in touch with other Travel Counsellors and enjoyed the comradery with the other teams.”

“I really valued the break from reality. Having the Community Cup allowed us to forget the serious effects of the pandemic and let us have fun for a change.”

Kerrie Croft, Travel Counsellor

Travel Counsellors have also recognised the importance of wellbeing and mental health during what is a stressful period for many in the travel industry.

To help both agents and staff, the company had arranged five virtual weekly group sessions facilitated by their own in-house counsellor, Monika
Polemicos, a Melbourne-based professional psychotherapist.

These sessions focused on key areas of wellbeing and anxiety by providing the tools and information to deal with day-to-day stressors. Sessions covering self-care practices, guided meditation, the Havening technique, and therapy resources and tools to use at home.

Click here for more information.