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Child’s play: Flight Centre asks kids the big questions in hilarious new video series

You may think you know where pizza comes from. According to these kids, you’re wrong. It’s not Italy. It’s maybe Japan or England, but definitely Dominos.

You may think you know where pizza comes from. According to these kids, you’re wrong. It’s not Italy. It’s maybe Japan or England, but definitely Dominos.

Flight Centre today launched its new Kids Talk video series on YouTube, with new episodes to be posted weekly.

When it comes to modern travel, these kids have all the answers, and right or wrong, they’re certainly cute. 

How did one girl know the complex workings that keep a plane in the sky? She’s in Year 3. So of course!

“The idea for the shoot was to capture the innocent and wonderfully simple view children have of the world,” Flight Centre videographer Marty Watego said. 

“Travel is about having fun and quite often we overcomplicate it.  So, to take a step back and look at it all through a child’s point of view makes you appreciate the simple things about travel a whole lot more.”

While Marty was “really surprised” by how much the kids did know about the world, especially when it came to other languages, it was the simplest questions that often resulted in the most interesting answers. 

What’s most clear though is that Flight Centre will need to work on its marketing to kids strategy. The kids interviewed seemed to really not be aware of the agency group’s brand identity at all. 

Why is Flight Centre famous? “He’s a really good singer,” said one kid. Hmm. Way off. Unless … is Flight Centre boss Skroo Turner a secret crooner? Karryon will investigate.

Earlier this month, Flight Centre announced it would re-open 35 of its stores across Australia in the coming months.