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Level up for more access: Destination Canada rewards Platinum agents with experience passes

Canada Specialist Program (CSP) Platinum-level advisors now receive more rewards to complement their major training achievement with Destination Canada rolling out experience passes for discounted access to attractions across Canada.

Canada Specialist Program (CSP) Platinum-level advisors now receive more rewards to complement their major training achievement with Destination Canada rolling out experience passes for discounted access to attractions across Canada.

The new rewards program incentivises advisors to sign up and achieve CSP Platinum-level status to access experience passes for their own personal travel in Canada.

Launched as a new online CSP section, advisors can track their progress and receive a personalised badge and a link to the rewards program when they complete the Platinum-level training modules.

You can then use the Platinum badge and certificates to promote your specialised knowledge to clients and maximise sales.

The USPs for the CSP

DC Algonquin canoe
Kayaking in Algonquin National Park. Image: Destination BC

The CSP online program offers four levels. Advisors achieve Bronze status after completing the Foundation chapters. 

Silver status and a diploma are earned after completing the Experience modules, Gold status is achieved after completing 10 Provinces/Territories/Cities and then Platinum status is reached after completing the 22 Provinces/Territories/Cities chapters.

CSP Rewards

Destination Canada Trade Account Director Nathan McLoughlin said the new rewards program will allow advisors to increase their knowledge of the country through personal experiences.

“Destination Canada has continued to work to update and ignite agents’ enthusiasm for Canada with new modules, exclusive fams and webinar training,” he said. 

“Experience has shown us that providing agents with the means to access tourism experiences on their own personal travels is a key force in ensuring the industry can sell Canada to their clients.”

Advisors can sign up at

Discover our inspiring Destination Canada series here.