This week O’Captain is back with a few tips on how you can make a difference and help travel industry novices out by becoming a Novice Sponsor.
Last night, Bobby slept in a box. “It was really cold, when an airline invites you to a sporting event, you expect a suite, not an outdoor box. There wasn’t even a waiter, you had to help yourself, I passed out drunk.”
Last night, Jan spent the night roaming the streets of Parramatta, not knowing where she was going to sleep. “Normally, after an industry function, I hook up with Steve, but he had gone home with that new girl, Marcia, and until I saw Oliver coming out half-cut out of the leagues club, I thought I was going to spend the night alone.”
Sam never knows when and where his next meal is going to come from. “Insight Vacations normally come good to morning seminars with savouries and coffees, and then Carnival generally provide a great feed for lunch during ship inspections, and generally there’s some p*ss weak launch of some sort each night where I can get a feed and win some free sh*t. ”
Peter’s mum and dad kicked him out of his family home one night and he was left to fend for himself. “Mummy and Dad just threw me out, and nobody else in my family said they would take care of me. I had to learn how to cook for myself, do my laundry, and earn money so I could survive. Basically, on that night my childhood ended and I had to be a man…Christ, I was only 32.”
Greg has turned to dealing on the streets to supplement his income. “I’m not proud of it, but I’ve got to eat, and there’s a market out there for branded compendiums, luggage tags, document wallets, usb sticks, international adapters, power packs, umbrellas, drink bottles, beach balls, etc. The only thing that don’t sell are branded stress balls, who the $#$# wants a branded stress ball?”
Unfortunately, Bobby, Jan, Sam, Peter, and Greg’s stories are not unique, there are literally hundreds of novices out there–struggling to make cost of seat, forced down the road of degradation with free economy flights with no pull or contacts to get an upgrade or lounge access, succumbing to peer pressure by overindulging in free and readily available intoxicants, and waking up, not knowing where they are of how they got there.
For the price of a cup of coffee a day, you can provide a novice with, um, a cup a coffee a day. “Ideally it would be the cost of a double shot soy cappuccino with one,” says Mike, whose sponsor is making his life easier as he struggles daily with mild lactose intolerance.
With just a $10 a month sponsorship, Cindy’s sponsor has provided Cindy with clearer vision, enabling her to get more enjoyment out of life. “The difference between Foxtel and Foxtel HD has changed my life.”
Novice Care is also looking for established travel professionals who will open their homes to provide foster care for a novice.
“Fostering a novice is about developing and nurturing the future of the travel industry, and creating a life time relationship with a young person looking for a fresh start, a new beginning.“
To foster a novice, all that you need is to provide board and a furnished spare room.

The difference between Foxtel and Foxtel HD has changed my life says Cindy
Your home also will need unlimited ADSL internet, Netflix, Foxtel Platinum IQ with HD, HD TV no smaller than 110 cm, Westin Heavenly Bed, Pool with Jacuzzi, air conditioning, free use of car, I Phone 7 or later with unlimited I-Tunes access, fully stocked and daily replenished mini-bar, unlimited UBER account, maid service, free dry-cleaning, internal gym or free membership to local gym and within walking distance of a pub, bottle shop, and a KFC.
Sponsors will be able to watch the progress of their novices each month with daily Facebook posts of whatever the $$#$ they are eating, regular check ins at airports every time they travel, unlimited selfies, and weekly drunken phone calls asking for a ride home, because the cab fare from the Beenleigh Tavern to your home in Stafford Heights is too expensive, and they’re too lazy to take the $#$#ing train or bus.
If you would like to make a one off donation, take up a monthly sponsorship, or are considering become a Foster Carer for a novice, please watch the Novice Care Video in the link below, and help a novice at the beginning of their journey today.