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EXCLUSIVE: Australian Census Results for the Travel Industry

Preliminary Census results have begun to filter through from the recent Australia wide poll. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has given KarryOn an exclusive sneak peak of the responses of those who identified themselves as “travel consultants.”

Preliminary Census results have begun to filter through from the recent Australia wide poll. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has given KarryOn an exclusive sneak peak of the responses of those who identified themselves as “travel consultants.”

Whilst the ABS said they had some initial issues with their website, they are 100% confident that their figures are accurate.

Currently there are total of 150 travel consultants in Australia, and 50% are named “Bruce.”

In the question of sex, 23% of Australian travel consultants answered, “Female,” 21% answered, “Male,” and 56% answered, “Yes.”

For sexual preference, 72% categorised themselves as “Heterosexual,” 20% categorised themselves as “Homosexual,” 7% categorised themselves as “Bisexual” and somebody from Newcastle wrote in “I $#$## goats.”

Of the heterosexual men polled, the attributes they found most attractive in the women in the industry were confidence, intelligence, sensitivity, creativity, and ambition. You work with some pretty special men, ladies, love them… Love them.


Tall bald guys with glasses were judged to be the most attractive men in the industry, according to the heterosexual women polled, with KarryOn Founder Matt Leedham judged to be the most attractive man on the planet, holding a double digit lead over Ryan Gosling, George Clooney, Denzel Washington, Brad Pitt, and Katut.


George Clooney is ropable at missing out on the top score to Matt Leedham

Supporting the suspicions of many single women in the industry, there is, in fact, 0% straight, single, decent guys in this industry.

67% polled said they thought Catiey got the famil to The Galapagos only because their BDM, Warrin, wants to sleep with her.


What We Read

15% of travel agents said KarryOn was their favourite periodical. 8% said Travel Daily was their favourite periodical. 2% listed “other” as their favourite periodical. 75% asked “What is a periodical.”

Home Based Agents

32% of Home Based Agents said they dressed in corporate everyday despite working at home. 15% said they dress smart casual. 20% said they dress “very” casual. However, 33%, or the majority of them say go “completely starkers.”

Our Biggest Threat

Biggest threats to the industry were online agents (34%), terrorism (28%), declining dollar (22%), and looking like $%$#heads when wearing one of those virtual reality headsets (16%).

Jimmy Crack Corn?

32% said, “Yes.” 12% said, “No.” And 46% said, “I don’t care.”

Have you filled out your census forms yet?