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INVITE: See if Vanuatu gets 5 stars from Travel Guides and win tickets to Santo!

Get ready to experience the ultimate island holiday in Vanuatu, through the wild and wacky adventures of Channel Nine's Travel Guides! Join us and you could win one of two tickets to Santo onboard Air Vanuatu’s new direct service.

Get ready to experience the ultimate island holiday in Vanuatu, through the wild and wacky adventures of Channel Nine’s Travel Guides! Join us and you could win one of two tickets to Santo onboard Air Vanuatu’s new direct service.

Vanuatu Tourism Office and Air Vanuatu are inviting travel agents to a private screening event of the popular TV show, Travel Guides, as they take on Vanuatu next Wednesday 10 May!

Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to witness the Travel Guides in action and experience the island’s natural beauty, rich culture, and mouth-watering cuisine.

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What’s more, some fabulous prizes are up for grabs. RSVP now for your chance to win 1 of 2 return flights to Espiritu Santo! Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out.

Follow in the footsteps of the Travel Guides

Join the Travel Guides as they explore Vanuatu’s scenic wonders, cultural gems, and thrilling adventures. With insider tips from the show’s experts, you’ll have a chance to follow in their footsteps and discover the best-kept secrets of the islands.

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Vanuatu boasts a rich cultural heritage. Immerse yourself in the island’s cultural wonders, from visiting local villages and markets to participating in traditional dances and rituals.

Vanuatu is also home to some of the most stunning landscapes in the world, from its pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters to its lush forests and volcanic peaks. Enter a natural wonderland and explore the island’s idyllic surrounds with activities like snorkelling, kayaking, hiking, and more.

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Wednesday 10 May 2023
6.15pm for a 6.30pm start.

Palace Central Cinemas
Located in Central Park Mall
Level 3, 28 Broadway, Chippendale

For more details and to RSVP, click here. Don’t forget food and drinks will be included and there will be some great prizes to be won!

All images courtesy of Vanuatu Tourism Office.