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The industry responds: Should agents wear uniforms?

About a month ago, I wrote an article based on one central question: should Travel Agents have to wear uniforms? And you guys responded, filling our Facebook wall with loads of insightful comments.

About a month ago, I wrote an article based on one central question: should Travel Agents have to wear uniforms? And you guys responded, filling our Facebook wall with loads of insightful comments.

And as the respected voice of the travel industry, it’s time to relay those comments onto our wider audience, just in case you missed all the action – speaking of all the action, make sure you like us on Facebook so you can take part in the next discussion…

The post (below) had a total reach of just under 5,000 people, most of whom were probably agents, and received about a dozens comments. And what was the consensus?

Well, that’s what we’re going to look into right now…

But before we even start, at least one agent didn’t even think the question was worth discussing:

HAHA – Thanks Paul!

Thankfully it may not have been the question per se, that rattled Paul’s feathers, but the fact that he was just having “one of those days” – something, I’m sure, we can all relate to…

But getting back to the question at hand, on the “pro” uniform side, a common response from supporters was that, if nothing else, having to wear a uniform at work meant agents had one less decision to make every day: What do I wear?

But apart from just having one less thing to worry about each day, those in “pro” camp also indicated some other benefits to wearing a uniform at work, such as receiving awesome compliments from their customers:

Other agents didn’t even give a reason why they’re massive supporters of the uniform:

I was hoping for a little more substance behind these responses, but hey, if a simple answer will do, then why the hell not?!

But obviously, with the post reaching just under 5,000 souls, there was bound to be some disagreement over the uniform question.

Some agents were pretty much pro uniform, but had issue with the type of uniform that were obliged to wear:

Whilst others were just flat out against it:

One agent even took to the books to express her distaste for the uniform, citing the definition of the word itself to back up her argument:

But then others. in agreement with my own stance on the issue, recognised that answering the uniform question was more complicated than a simple yes or no. It depended on the type of travel agent:

Finally, this agent made the case that really, the uniform plays such a trivial part in the experience for the customer, and perhaps, in agreement with Paul Groundwater (above), there were much more important things to discuss…

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What do you think?

Have anything you’d like to add to the discussion? Let us know in the comments below or comment on our forthcoming Facebook post.