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TOGETHER IN TRAVEL: Our Round Up Of Memes That Agents Need Right Now

Agents, please know we stand with you #togetherintravel right now as you battle through the chaos and the many customer cancellations and changed travel plans.

Agents, please know we stand with you #togetherintravel right now as you battle through the chaos and the many customer cancellations and changed travel plans.

You are truly superheroes to many as you work your magic on the front line.

So for some much needed comic relief and camaraderie, we’ve rounded up some of the best travel agent memes and pictures circulating at the moment.

Seb is getting through it with wine

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Much-loved travel agent ‘Seb’ from Sebastian’s Travel Gossip is getting through the mass cancellations with this smart turning water into wine hack.


Wine is a theme

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Continuing here on the theme of wine, this is one of our favourite memes going around right now for travel agents.

Like a really big theme

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Because toilet paper is overrated right?


Customers are lucky to have booked with you

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We’ve always advocated for the value that travel agents bring… but there is nothing like a global crisis to remind customers of the hugely valuable role you all play.

Keeping a brave face can be hard

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We know you’re doing your best to pretend you have it totally together during these trying times,  but this may be a more accurate image of how you actually feel.


And hopefully, your customers are remembering to do this

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Because none of this is your fault and you’re doing your best to help every single one of your customers.


READ: #togetherintravel: Supporting Each Other Through Troubled Times

Keep up the amazing work.