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Win cash by 'Keeping Up with the Badges' in the Brand USA Discovery Program

Swap your obsession for the Kardashians with Brand USA’s latest travel agent incentive and earn specialist badges in the USA Discovery Program to go in the draw to win one of eight $500 gift cards throughout August and September 2023.

Swap your obsession for the Kardashians with Brand USA’s latest travel agent incentive and earn specialist badges in the USA Discovery Program to go in the draw to win one of eight $500 gift cards throughout August and September 2023.

The new ‘Keeping Up with the Badges’ Brand USA Discovery Program training incentive runs from 1 August to 30 September 2023. 

Every badge completed is an entry to win one of eight His/Hers $500 fashion and lifestyle gift cards. Plus, double your chances by completing the Luxury Specialist Badge to earn two entries into the prize draw.

The USA Discovery Program interactive training course is designed for travel advisors to upskill as US experts.

Great North Music Tour Badges
Badge up and win!

There are 60-plus badges across all regions and states plus themes, such as ‘The Great Outdoors’, ‘Music’ and ‘Culture & Heritage’.

Once completed, you can download and add badge icons to any client communications, demonstrating your expertise.

Brand USA VP of Global Trade Development Jackie Ennis said they’ll announce winners every fortnight over the two-month period.

“We’re excited to launch this latest USA Discovery Program incentive,” she said.

“Our online training platform is a valuable tool that helps agents broaden their US knowledge and gives them the confidence to sell a variety of diverse destinations to their clients.”

For more info, head to

Find out what went down on the recent Brand USA MegaFam here.