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5 yoga poses for the modern Travel Agent

Yoga's hip, happening, and comes with a whole ton of proven health benefits for the body and the mind. And since emerging from India into the West, Travel Agents have taken to the practice like novices to the bar.

Yoga’s hip, happening, and comes with a whole ton of proven health benefits for the body and the mind. And since emerging from India into the West, Travel Agents have taken to the practice like novices to the bar.

But interestingly, these yoga mat-weilding agents have also brought some of these ancient poses back into the modern office to both enlighten their colleagues and take the stress out of their every day working life.

Here are five yoga poses for the modern Travel Agent.


1. Trikonasana (aka Extended Triangle Pose)


Source: yogajournal.com

This yoga pose is for the multi-taskers out there, which is pretty much every Travel Agent under the sun. By contorting your body in the trikonasana (aka Extended Triangle Pose) position, you’ll be able to reach for that bottle of wine under the desk whilst still signalling your availability to the customer that’s just walked into your store.

Make sure you pop a tic-tac into your mouth on the way up to mask the wine smell.


2. Sirsasana (aka headstand)


Source: stylecraze.com

Sometimes the fare rules and/or booking conditions just don’t make a whole lot of sense. If that’s the case, try shifting your perspective by adopting the sirsasana (aka headstand) position and see if you can understand the fine print when read upside down.

It may actually make a ton more sense when read this way…


3. Balasana (aka Child’s Pose)


Source: yogabasics.com

When the stresses of the day get too much and another walk-in inquiry is driving you up the wall, adopt the balasana (Child’s Pose) position and just forget about all your problems for a few minutes.

The balasana position is a resting position, so can also be used at work the next day after a night of drinking.


4. Baddha Koṇasana (aka Cobbler Pose)


Source: workouttrends.com

The baddha koṇasana (aka Cobbler Pose) is all about getting centered and de-stressing. However, instead of grabbing onto your feet and stretching out your back, Travel Agents are advised to hold onto a cold beer or glass (bottle?) of wine instead.

Yoga masters recommend staying in this position for between one and five minutes – in other words, between one and two drinks.


5. karnapidasana (aka Ear Pressure Pose)


Source: doyouyoga.com

When you’re not sure whether you have the energy to attend that product night or if you should go home and rest up for the remainder of the week, adopt the karnapidasana (aka Ear Pressure Pose) position.

True, it won’t help you come to a decision, but it just perfectly reflects how you’re feeling inside, and that’s therapeutic in itself!

Agents: are there any yoga positions that you swear by?