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Now More Than Ever: Support Indigenous rangers for the good of Australia

Karryon has joined forces with The Intrepid Foundation to help raise funds for Country Needs People, a not-for-profit organisation that supports Indigenous rangers and Protected Areas (IPAs) in Australia. Will you join us?

Karryon has joined forces with The Intrepid Foundation to help raise funds for Country Needs People, a not-for-profit organisation that supports Indigenous rangers and Protected Areas (IPAs) in Australia. Will you join us?

This year’s National Reconciliation Week (NRW) theme, “Now More Than Ever,” resonates deeply, reminding Australians of the ongoing fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

It’s a moment to illuminate Indigenous communities’ struggles and triumphs and ask, “Where to next?”

Karryon and The Intrepid Foundation have proudly partnered with Country Needs People, a not-for-profit organisation that supports Indigenous rangers and protected areas (IPAs).

Why? Country Needs People is a leading charity in Australia 100 per cent dedicated to the work of Indigenous rangers nationally.

Now more than ever, it’s time for us to show our support.

The vital work of Country Needs People

Country Needs People collaborates with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to enhance land and sea management practices. Through working with Indigenous Ranger Programs, they provide crucial support to rangers who protect Australia’s diverse ecosystems.

Working with over 48 Indigenous partners nationwide, they advocate for expanding the Australian government’s IPAs and increasing Indigenous ranger jobs, offering more training and capacity-building opportunities, especially for women.

And the long-term outcomes? Country Needs People says it’s not only about jobs; it’s about so much more. From the tropics to the outback Indigenous rangers are on the frontline of Australia’s biggest challenges across land and sea. They’re safeguarding threatened animals, managing fire, fighting invasive species, assisting with disasters and state emergencies, and managing cultural sites.

We believe that’s something exceedingly worthy of travel industry support.

Good for people, good for Country

Indigenous rangers protect turtles on Dhimurru Indigenous Protected Area, NT. ©Country Needs People
Indigenous rangers protect turtles on Dhimurru Indigenous Protected Area, NT. ©Country Needs People

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have managed Australia’s land and sea for millennia, using ancient wisdom to maintain biodiversity and protect natural habitats.

Indigenous rangers continue this legacy today, combining traditional knowledge with modern conservation techniques. Indigenous Protected Areas, managed by Traditional Owners, hold some of the highest conservation values in Australia.

Good for the Travel and Tourism industry, too

Wallaby at Budj Bim IPA on Gunditjmara Country VIC ©Annette Ruzicka
Wallaby at Budj Bim IPA on Gunditjmara Country, VIC ©Annette Ruzicka

Supporting Indigenous rangers also benefits the travel and tourism industry. Sustainable tourism is increasingly important to travellers who are looking for authentic experiences that respect and preserve local cultures and environments.

By contributing to Country Needs People, travel companies can demonstrate their commitment to sustainable and regenerative tourism in Australia and attract conscious travellers who value sustainability and cultural heritage.

Denis Rose, Gunditjmara Traditional Owner & Chair of Country Needs People, shares, “When we talk about protecting the country and preserving the cultural integrity of Country, it’s about restoring the health of the country. Restoring traditional practice. It’s about putting the story back together again.

“We’ve had a disconnect from Country from traditional practice, so getting back on Country to understand it is really important. First Nations landowners are contributing their land, knowledge, and efforts toward the betterment of Australia’s biodiversity. We’ve got people out on Country all the time… They’re the eyes and ears of the country.”

Emphasising the ongoing need for funding and awareness, Rose says, “The future of the Indigenous Protected Areas program relies on consistency of funding and awareness of the costs.”

Echoing this sentiment, Brett Mitchell, MD ANZ at Intrepid, says, “We are so proud to be supporting Country Needs People, our newest Intrepid Foundation Partner, and all the incredible work they do in securing and growing Indigenous land and sea management across Australia.

Brett Mitchell, Intrepid Managing Director ANZ.
Brett Mitchell, Intrepid Managing Director ANZ.

“Supporting Country Needs People is supporting Indigenous Rangers. It’s helping the environment, protecting threatened animals, fighting invasive species, managing fire, waging warfare on weeds, and protecting marine environments. And, at the same time, it’s great for people, helping to reinforce culture, improving well-being, empowering women, fuelling jobs, boosting local economies, and strengthening the community,” he adds.

Speaking about Karryon’s partnership with the Intrepid Foundation, Andrew Macfarlane, Purpose Specialist ANZ at Intrepid, highlights the collaboration, “We turned to Karryon to promote the financial end-of-year appeal for Country Needs People to the travel industry at large because of their commitment to sustainability and reconciliation.

“Karryon has long promoted the idea of our industry collaborating and working collectively for the greater good, hence its tagline, Together in Travel.

“We were thrilled when Karryon not only selected Country Needs People as the fundraising partner for its forthcoming Open Mindset Event in Melbourne on 26 June but also agreed to promote the end-of-financial year fundraising effort to the Industry at large.

“We encourage all our colleagues to please support and promote the appeal,” says MacFarlane.

Show your support before June 30 and double your impact

Will you help us help Country Needs People? Supporting Indigenous rangers has never been more crucial.

If you donate any amount to Country Needs People before 30 June, we will match your contribution dollar-for-dollar, doubling your impact.

Your support ensures that Indigenous rangers can continue their essential work, strengthening Australia’s people, nature, and culture for future generations.

Head to the fundraising page and make a difference today.

Keen to attend our Sustainability Mindset Event in Melbourne on 26 June? Get tickets here.

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