Getting To Know You

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Getting to know David McCarthy from TravelManagers

David McCarthy, TravelManagers' business partnership manager for NSW and the ACT, talks about how working in travel puts things into perspective and why Iran is on his bucket list.

David McCarthy, TravelManagers’ business partnership manager for NSW and the ACT, talks about how working in travel puts things into perspective and why Iran is on his bucket list.

1. How long have you been in the industry?

Approx 20 years, first job in the Industry was in car rental (glad I don’t have to wear that uniform any more?


2. What is your most amazing travel experience?

I think the first time you see wildlife in Africa is a real jaw-dropping moment. Seeing an ostrich running in the distance before encountering herds of elephants and hippos – wow!


3. What is the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

When I first went to Uni, somehow I ended up being paid to take notes in the lectures – great – straight to the Uni bar!


4. What was the first ever country you travelled to?

I have a vague memory of when I was about 5 we visited my aunt’s farm in Ireland – I recall freezing in fear as the herd of cows starting slowly walking towards me.


5. What’s your wish list of places yet to visit?

Moscow has always intrigued me so I’d love to get there one day. My wife comes from Iran so I’d better add that to the list too.


6. Who was your biggest mentor/influence growing up?

Apart from the obvious (parents) I loved watching Dr Who when I was young, so I think that influenced me to travel and have adventures (in time and space??)


7. How has working in travel changed you?

It has enabled me to travel to many different countries and get a glimpse of how hard life can be and how fortunate we are in Australia. It helps you put things into perspective.


8. What’s your biggest life achievement to date?

Marriage is obviously up there. I think a sense of humour is vital and no matter what life throughs at you, if you can come out of it still smiling, that’s an achievement


9. What is your number one in-flight travel tip?

Don’t watch those air crash investigation shows before you fly !!


10. And one tip you for new cruisers?

Don’t watch Titanic!!


11. What advice would you give to someone starting out in the travel industry?

It really does help if you have a love of travelling and sharing that enthusiasm can only help so enjoy the perks when they come along.

Have a question for David? Leave it below and we’ll get you the answer.


Getting to Know You is our good will gesture to promote the TIME program. The TIME program is focused on a Mentor/Mentee relationship that is ‘mentee-driven’. Mentors are drawn from the senior ranks of the industry and have generously volunteered their time and energy to the mentor process. They are matched to Mentees on the basis of non-conflicting business skills and experience that enables them to offer advice and perspective to the Mentee. The role of the Mentor is to hold their Mentee accountable and to offer challenging ideas that will inspire the Mentee, helping to building the individuals self confidence through praise, encouragement and constructive feedback.

If you are interested in joining TIME as a mentor or mentee visit their website