Getting To Know You

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Getting to Know Bob Nicholas

This week we get to know Bob Nicholas, Vice President of Global Sales at Rocky Mountaineer.

This week we get to know Bob Nicholas, Vice President of Global Sales at Rocky Mountaineer.

1. How long have you been in the industry, what and where was your first job?

6 years.  I had a great career in Consumer Packaged Goods before I joined Rocky Mountaineer. Tourism is a lot more fun.  My first job was a paper route in Vancouver.  I subcontracted the delivery to my little brother and kept most of the proceeds, it was a great gig.

2. What’s your most amazing travel experience (one of them anyway)!

There are some spectacular luxury trains in the world and I have travelled on many of them. The Deccan Odysssy is one I will always remember. We took it from Mumbai to Delhi over six days and it was an incredible adventure both on and off the train. Mumbai is my favourite city in the world because of the sights, sounds and energy.

3. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever done?

Installing septic fields in the 80’s in a small town in British Columbia.  It was a summer job and I learned a lot about perseverance. I have a great deal of respect for the people who do that kind of work. You could say it was character building.

4. First ever country you travelled to? What was your experience like?

The US. I was billeted as a soccer player on a team trip. It was scary, exciting and exhilarating.  That was my first taste of diversity and adventure and I’ve been compelled to explore the world ever since.

5. Wishlist of places yet to visit?

More time in Italy, Turkey and Eastern Europe would be a great trip.

6. Who was your biggest mentor/influence growing up?

My Dad.  I was the oldest and my dad was all about discipline and diligence. We clashed early on, however, I learned so much from him and his influence has shaped my character in more ways than I can count and now he is someone I love spending time with.

7. How has working in travel changed you?

Working in the travel industry has given me the chance to meet an array of amazing people with so many different experiences and stories. I always love to hear about a new destination or somebody’s latest adventure and it makes me realise the world really is a marvellous place.           

8. What’s your biggest life achievement to date?

I have an amazing family.  Our 4 kids – 3 girls and a boy make me extremely proud. What they don’t know yet is that our retirement plan includes 3 months with each of them.

9. What’s one in-flight travel tip?

I wish I was a better packer, but my one rule is: pack as much as you can in your carry on.

10. What advice would you give to someone starting out in the travel industry?

Experience everything you can. Develop your sense of what great is and be open to new things.

[colored_box color=”grey”]The Travel Industry Mentor Experience is a not-for-profit company established in 2009 to offer a range of business skills, development guidance and support sessions, within a mentoring and peer collaboration environment, to aspiring mid level management individuals of the travel and tourism industry.

The TIME program is focused on a Mentor/Mentee relationship that is ‘mentee-driven’. Mentors are drawn from the senior ranks of the industry and have generously volunteered their time and energy to the mentor process. They are matched to Mentees on the basis of non-conflicting business skills and experience that enables them to offer advice and perspective to the Mentee. The role of the Mentor is to hold their Mentee accountable and to offer challenging ideas that will inspire the Mentee, helping to building the individuals self confidence through praise, encouragement and constructive feedback.

If you are interested in joining TIME as a mentor or mentee visit their website. [/colored_box]
