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CRACK DOWN: Aussie airlines step up carry-on audits this week

Watch your weight! Not your physical weight, but your carry-on weight, which is now being closely monitored by all Australian airlines on domestic flights.

Watch your weight! Not your physical weight, but your carry-on weight, which is now being closely monitored by all Australian airlines on domestic flights.

Virgin Australia has joined Qantas, Tigerair and Jetstar this week in an industry-wide crackdown of carry-on baggage that’ll ensure everyone flying domestically is travelling with the correct weight.

This renewed focus on carry-on baggage means passengers will need to ensure they’re carrying the allocated limit of seven-kilograms or pay extra to have their bags checked-in.


Those who trying to sneak on an aircraft with overweight carry-on could be looking at paying a $78 fee to have it check-in last minute.

Yaowza, better get out those scales.


Last month, Qantas told KARRYON that the audits are all about ensuring everyone has “their fair share of space onboard” as well as reduce delays.

Virgin Australia’s General Manager of Ground Operations, Paul Woosnam, concurred, explaining that pre-checking carry-on will improve flight delays “more and more”, 10 Daily reported.

“As an industry, we’re seeing many passengers trying to bring everything but the kitchen sink on domestic flights which is causing flight delays as well as safety issues for cabin crew, ground crew and passengers.”

Paul Woosnam, Virgin Australia General Manager of Ground Operations


Do you think the crack down is a good idea?