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This cheeky passenger is travelling very, very light

Wallet? Check. Passport? Check? Pants? Oh $hit... This "cheeky" Virgin America passenger has brought a whole new meaning to the expression "travelling light" and it's absolutely hilarious!

Wallet? Check. Passport? Check? Pants? Oh $hit… This “cheeky” Virgin America passenger has brought a whole new meaning to the expression “travelling light” and it’s absolutely hilarious!

A young (blonde) woman has been photographed trying to check into her Virgin America flight recently without her pants – yep no pants!

A photo of the “cheeky” passenger was uploaded onto Reddit with the caption, “meanwhile at the airport…” and has since racked up over 100,000 views and attracted nearly 50 comments, some of which are quite hilarious!

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The identity of the young woman still remains a mystery, but that’s likely to change as her backside has since gone viral around the world, with online news outlets all around the world picking up the story.


As can be seen in the picture, the woman is wearing what appears to be black knickers, black shoes, and a beige jacket. Judging by the two fans on the check-in desk, the woman’s lack of pants may just be in response to the sweltering US summer currently sweeping across the country.

Or, she may just like to go pant-less every now and then. #NoJudgment

Speaking to MailOnline, Virgin America has pounced on the incident to reaffirm their own cheeky branding:

“We’re the only airline based in California – and we’re known for doing things differently as an airline and for being a bit cheeky ourselves, so we welcome all travellers. With custom-designed, mood-lit cabins and touch-screen entertainment and wi-fi at every seat on every flight, we encourage our guests to kick back and relax when they fly us – our guest clearly took that message to heart.”

Spokesperson for Virgin America, speaking to MailOnline

Back in October last year, Virgin America announced that they would be streaming Netflix on 10 of their A320s. Maybe she was getting ready to watch “Netflix and chill” on her flight?!


Unfortunately for her, Virgin America stopped streaming Netflix in March earlier this year, so we guess she’ll just have to put her pants back on and join the rest of us normal people.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve seen someone wear at an airport?