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Danger ahead: All of the countries on DFAT’s ‘Do Not Travel’ list

A really avid traveller could find something to love about any destination. Burkina Faso? Some of the world’s friendliest people. Myanmar? Awe-inspiring temples and pagodas. Iran? Home to some real gems of Islamic architecture. Haiti? Have you seen its white sand beaches? Sadly though, due to wars, civil unrest, terrorism, crime, disease, access and other major challenges, there are many countries that travellers simply should not travel to - or seriously advised against visiting.

A really avid traveller could find something to love about any destination. Burkina Faso? Some of the world’s friendliest people. Myanmar? Awe-inspiring temples and pagodas. Iran? Home to some real gems of Islamic architecture. Haiti? Have you seen its white sand beaches? Sadly though, due to wars, civil unrest, terrorism, crime, disease, access and other major challenges, there are many countries that travellers simply should not travel to – or seriously advised against visiting.

The highest level of advice the Australian Government issues to Aussie travellers is level four, or a “Do Not Travel” warning. 

According to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade’s (DFAT) Smartraveller website, these regions are classified as such due to extreme risks to health and safety.

Before recent conflict, Lebanon was a popular VFR destination for Aussies.
Lebanon, a popular VFR destination for Aussies before recent conflict, is now on DFAT’s ‘Do Not Travel’ list.

“If you travel to this location, you’re at a high risk of death, imprisonment, kidnapping or serious injury,” Smartraveller says.

“If you get into trouble, the Australian Government may be unable to help. In most cases, our ability to provide consular assistance in these destinations is extremely limited.

“If you travel to this location despite our advice, you should note that you may be unable to leave the location quickly if your circumstances change. If you’re already in a ‘Do not travel’ area, consider leaving if it’s safe to do so.”

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Looks nice doesn’t it? But Belarus is on DFAT’s ‘Do Not Travel’ list due to its involvement in the Ukraine war.

If you’re still considering travelling to one of DFAT’s “Do Not Travel” locations, the government urges Aussies to ensure they have adequate security measures in place, including professional security advice and an emergency management plan. 

It also reminds Australians that most travel insurance policies won’t cover travel to these destinations and that they should prepare for worst-case scenarios, including having an up-to-date will and enduring power of attorney. The responsibility for your safety lies with you, DFAT states.

Currently, there are 22 nations around the world on DFAT’s “Do Not Travel” list. But this doesn’t include regions within lower-level countries that are also no-go zones.


DFAT’s Red Zone list

  • Afghanistan (Asia) – last update on 17 Jul 2024
  • Belarus (Europe) – last update on 02 May 2024
  • Burkina Faso (Africa) – last update on 23 Sep 2024
  • Central African Republic (Africa) – last update on 16 Aug 2024
  • Chad (Africa) – last update on 10 May 2024
  • Haiti (Americas) – last update on 05 Jul 2024
  • Iran (Middle East) – last update on 06 Sep 2024
  • Iraq (Middle East) – last update on 23 Aug 2024
  • Lebanon (Middle East) – last update on 21 Sep 2024
  • Libya (Africa) – last update on 21 Mar 2024
  • Mali (Africa) – last update on 19 Sep 2024
  • Myanmar (Asia) – last update on 16 Sep 2024
  • Niger (Africa) – last update on 09 Apr 2024
  • North Korea (Asia) – last update on 01 Mar 2024
  • Russia (Europe) – last update on 12 Jul 2024
  • Somalia (Africa) – last update on 22 May 2024
  • South Sudan (Africa) – last update on 17 Sep 2024
  • Sudan (Africa) – last update on 21 May 2024
  • Syria (Middle East) – last update on 04 Jun 2024
  • Ukraine (Europe) – last update on 23 Aug 2024
  • Venezuela (Americas) – last update on 01 Aug 2024
  • Yemen (Middle East) – last update on 17 Apr 2024