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This cool ski spot peaked as Australia’s top international snowsports destination in 2023

Now that it’s winter season Down Under, Aussies are seeking their next overseas snowsports vacay in places where the powder is consistent, the après-ski opportunities are top shelf and the value for money is apparent to savvy snow bunnies.

Now that it’s winter season Down Under, Aussies are seeking their next overseas snowsports vacay in places where the powder is consistent, the après-ski opportunities are top shelf and the value for money is apparent to savvy snow bunnies.

For Australia’s favourite international snowsports destination in 2023, Japan won hands down for ideal snowfall, variety of runs, cultural appeal, accommodation options and its proximity to Australia, according to Compare the Market AU search data.

Canada and New Zealand round out the top three international snowsports destinations for Aussies followed by the US and France.

The popularity of Japan for skiing and snowboarding holidays has really snowballed in the past few years with 466 ski resorts catering for all levels.

Hakuba Happo-One ski resort on Hokkaido, Japan. Australia's top international snowsports destination
Taking to the slopes at Hakuba Happo-One resort on Hokkaido.

Top international snowsports destination

Compare the Market found Hakuba ranked number one among the top ski destinations for its high amount of accommodation options, snowfall (annual average of 11m) and the second-cheapest ski pass.

This backs up recent StudentUniverse research that reports Japan is particularly popular among young Aussie travellers with flight bookings to Sapporo as the gateway to Hokkaido’s ski resorts up more than 200 per cent in the first third of 2024.

Cover against claims

international snowsports destination. Mountain ski resort Shiga Kogen, Nagano
Shiga Kogen ski resort in Nagano, Japan.

With this surge in interest in Japan comes an increase in snow-related injuries with 1Cover Travel Insurance reporting a 40 per cent rise in ski-season claims.

Compare the Market EGM General Insurance Adrian Taylor said New Zealand is the only international snowsports destination with a reciprocal healthcare agreement for Australia if something goes wrong on the slopes.

“Whether this will be your first ski outing onto the green runs or you regularly hit the black diamonds, one thing you should never forget to pack for your trip is travel insurance with snowsports included as extras,” he said.

“Travel insurance with snowsports cover can also assist with other unforeseen issues, such as equipment theft or unused passes and hired equipment due to inclement weather.”