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Australian tourists have unknowingly consumed dog meat in Bali

Aussie tourists visiting the popular island of Bali have allegedly been misled into consuming dog meat when purchasing 'chicken skewers' from street food vendors.

Aussie tourists visiting the popular island of Bali have allegedly been misled into consuming dog meat when purchasing ‘chicken skewers’ from street food vendors.

The discovery was made by an undercover documentary maker sent into Bali by Animals Australia to infiltrate the island’s dog trade.

During the four-month investigation, the organisation found that not only were dogs severely mistreated between capture and slaughter, but the meat was then given to uninformed international visitors who believed they were purchasing chicken.

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Mobile dog meat vendor. Image: Animals Australia

Although dog meat is legal in Bali, the organisation’s Campaign Director, Lyn White described the situation in an online statement as “profoundly distressing” and believes the “dog-meat trade breaches animal cruelty laws and food safety laws”.

“Not only is the suffering of the dogs horrifying, tourists are unwittingly fuelling the trade.”

Lyn White, Animals Australia Campaign Director 

“Most tourists have no idea that the letters RW on the outside of popular street food stalls in Bali indicates that dog meat is being served,” she explained.

Mobile dog meat vendor approaching tourists on a beach. Image: Animals Australia

Mobile dog meat vendor approaching tourists on a beach. Image: Animals Australia

White continued, saying that these mobile meat vendors deliberately target tourists on beaches and are “prepared to lie about the origin of the meat to get a sale”.

The Campaign Director said poisoned dog meat was also making it to market, which when consumed, can lead to severe medical issues such as organ damage.

Animals Australia advised the Bali government of the outcomes of the investigation in early April and wrote to all Consuls in Bali alerting them of the risks to tourists.

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