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"Domesticating trans-Tasman travel will benefit all": Tourism NZ's Andrew Waddel

Seamless trans-Tasman travel will please travellers so much that it could result in more word of mouth bookings, according to Tourism New Zealand's Andrew Waddel.

Seamless trans-Tasman travel will please travellers so much that it could result in more word of mouth bookings, according to Tourism New Zealand’s Andrew Waddel.

The tourist board’s new General Manager for Australia told KARRYON that Australia and New Zealand’s plan to domesticate trans-Tasman travel would reduce complexity for travellers and increase traveller satisfaction.

He continued, saying that this satisfaction would translate it into word-of-mouth marketing, which would eventually lead to more visitor numbers on both sides of the ditch.


“If the industry, working with government and other partners, can make the consumer’s experience from point to point simple, easy and seamless then more people will travel, more often. And they will tell more of their friends about it – you can’t buy that kind of advocacy.”

Andrew Waddel, Tourism New Zealand General Manager for Australia

Andrew’s comment comes shortly after the two countries took their first step towards co-ordinated airport operations with New Zealand announcing it would follow Australia’s lead and phase out the Outgoing Passenger Card.


Image: TVNZ

In addition to aviation cooperation, Andrew believes there’s an opportunity for New Zealand to attract more of the Aussie millennial marketing who “rank travelling as more important than a career”.

“They want to broaden their perspectives and will happily prioritise experiences over wealth.”

Andrew Waddel, Tourism New Zealand General Manager for Australia

Andrew, who previously worked with Anchor, Stella Artois and Red Bull, plans to capture more millennials along with other segments in the Australian market by asking questions and “exploring the obvious as much as the unknown”.

“This is the best platform to understand the consumer, generate new insights and create innovative approaches that truly sets a brand apart,” he said.  There is so much to learn first, not just about the industry but primarily the Australian consumer and what their drivers are.”


Are you keen for more straightforward trans-Tasman travel?