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Grab a bottle of champagne! The Walshe Group turned 40 year

They've probably invited you to a few Hawaii Tourism events or you may have received some news about Oman from them.

They’ve probably invited you to a few Hawaii Tourism events or you may have received some news about Oman from them.


They’re likely to be the ones to send you on a famil of Abu Dhabi in the future or help you organise your flights to Japan with All Nippon Airways (ANA).

The Walshe Group are well known in the travel industry, partly because of their sweet staff, extensive and recognisable list of clients, but also because they’ve been around for quite some time… 40 years to be exact.

Over the weekend, the group of PR and marketing specialists celebrated their big 4-0 anniversary with a celebration in Manly that was attended by staff based in Sydney as well as those that flew down from New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan.

Themed ‘Endurance and Evolution’, the special event started sensibly with working sessions in the morning and was followed by drinks and celebrations throughout the afternoon and evening.

Rodney Walshe, who began the company in New Zealand in 1976, attributed the company’s success to a combination of luck and the current Managing Director, Jacqui Walshe “whose steerage has taken the company to where it stands today”.

Jacqui Walshe shared her insights on the business, thanking staff, particularly those who have been with the company for decades.

“We are seeing a company shift as we expand our destination division and have seen a substantial growth in this footprint over the last 15 years.”

Jacqui Walshe, Walshe Group Managing Director

“I want to thank my employees and our clients who make The Walshe Group what it is, and look forward to what the next 40 years hold.

“The Walshe Group has survived global crises and dramatic changes in the way we travel and the way we market travel and tourism.

“Our theme of endurance and evolution is a nod to hard work, good people as well as the evolution in our company’s ability to adapt to the changing world around us and to continue to seek out best practice in whatever we do.”

Over the past few years we have rebranded, opened new offices in other countries and local cities and are working with new clients from ANA to Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority and we are thrilled to continue our long-term relationship with clients such as Hawaii Tourism Oceania and Delta Air Lines.

Congratulations to The Walshe Group, here’s to another 40 years.


Have you dealt with The Walshe Group in the past?