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TOWER OF POWER: top the corporate travel career with a strong team behind you

If you want a career challenge the corporate travel area offers a high intensity-high reward culture that will push you to the top of your profession.

If you want a career challenge the corporate travel area offers a high intensity-high reward culture that will push you to the top of your profession.


Corporate travel can be a challenging gig, big numbers, big dollars and a very demanding client base. But just like the corporate world itself it is a work hard/play hard dynamic that can really push you to do your best.

FCM Travel Solutions is made up of small teams of experienced travel professionals that provide personal service and reliable advice to top-tier multi-national, national, regional and local companies across every industry and specialisation. As a travel professional working in this sector, it’s a high pressure, highly challenging yet highly rewarding place to be.

But don’t take our word for it. Mary Gava from FCM Travel Solutions has had a great career in the corporate travel world, helping inspire her team and manage a rewarding team culture.

Mary started her career in an international law firm and swapped careers to travel in her mid-30s. She is currently a regional manager at FCM’s Government Pillar, and Pinnacle – which provides Concierge Service to many Australian corporate clients.

She is inspired by Melissa Elf, GM FCM Australia because of her business acumen and ability to deal with both industry and commercial executives whilst maintaining an open and respectful relationship with the FCM staff.

We asked her about her secrets to success in the corporate world:


Can you tell me about the culture at FCM – how does it push you to new heights?


Being a Flight Centre Travel Group company, the culture at FCM is based on “ownership, accountability and fun”. If staff have career ambitions, FCM is a company that promotes from within and provides in-house training for most roles. At FCM, we live and breathe a culture that recognises achievement and rewards it accordingly.


Can you share any tips on how you worked your way to becoming one of the leading executives in the travel industry?


I have always been a highly disciplined and hard working individual. These qualities provided me with the foundation of being regarded as a great role model within the industry.


What is your strategy on how to empower your staff and create a highly rewarding environment?  


First of all, employ the right people in every role. Surround yourself with the best people possible to deliver results and a high-functioning area. A high-functioning area occurs by staff firstly being accountable and taking full ownership of decisions made. And happy staff equals happy customers.


What has been a highlight in your career to date?


A highlight for me is when I am able to see mentees develop their skills and move into senior leadership roles.


Where do you see FCM in the next 3-5 years within the travel industry?


I see the brand moving more into a consultancy partnership with Customers and new business opportunities.  With innovation through automation, our business model will become a blend of technology and our highly skilled people who can add value with complex requests.


What message or quote would you share with anyone who wants to join FCM or the travel industry in general?


Although challenging at times, the travel industry is a fun environment – come to see for yourself!


The sky’s the limit with FCM


If you’re interested in starting an exciting and rewarding career in FCM Travel Solutions, check out current opportunities below.


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Written by Paul Chai, KARRYON contributor

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