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An online Travel Agent robot

roomsXML has released the second chapter in the “Fightback against the big OTA’s” video series.'

roomsXML has released the second chapter in the “Fightback against the big OTA’s” video series.’



Check out the new video, “Human Touch”, below:

Mark Luckey says:  “We were just a little bit surprised with the level of feedback we got on the first video. Random calls, people from marketing companies doing analysis, friends asking us why we were promoting agents.  Very cool. Good awareness raiser.”

The “Dick and Tom” Pro travel agent video had a big impact across social media. Mark attributes part of that success to it being “unbranded”, cheeky and a bit of fun.

“These video’s are about using travel agents, about promoting the people in our industry. The ‘white label’ ensures agents could share the video.  In the first week of the campaign there were over 7,500 unique page views, shares and youtube hits, all about promoting the industry.

“roomsXML is extending the notion of support for our customers. We are helping travel agents help themselves. Like any media this is subjective; but put it on your website, start a conversation, engage with people and the video has done its job.

“There is no bad case for an agent sharing and posting this video.


“Timing was everything as Webjet released their figures discussing their B2B growth the next day.  Whilst happy to attack travel agents in Australia and New Zealand they value them in other countries.

“It’s a tacit acknowledgement from Webjet that the people of the travel industry, travel agents, the real professional, still have a place.  It should also give agents ammunition to remind the world how the cash flows into big companies or into local communities via travel agents.

“This second video shows an online travel agent is a robot. How can a robot book a holiday as well as a human. You will see and hear more from this singer in the video’s to come.”

“This one can also be customised; agents just need to supply us with a receipt for a $25 donation at and send a high resolution logo.

Seems like the cheeky video’s are reclaiming some ground for agents

“Actually there’s still humans out there, who will hook you up.”

Book a holiday worth remembering. Book with a travel agent.  Looking for a wholesaler who not only supports you but helps you take on your competition?

“Hopefully agents share that roomsXML message as well” says Mark.

For a customised video, email

What do you think of the new video?