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Tourism Australia & Virgin Australia get smarter with data

You know that feeling of being watched? Well if you experience it next time you're on Tourism Australia's website it's probably because you are.

You know that feeling of being watched? Well if you experience it next time you’re on Tourism Australia’s website it’s probably because you are.

Well, kind of.

The tourism bureau has teamed up with Virgin Australia to make the most of its 15 million unique website visitors per year by monitoring the online experience.

This will be done by tracking information on what a user gets up to on and then continuing the tracking once they cross over onto the Virgin Australia website.

Tourism Australia 2

For example, people looking at Sydney on the Tourism Australia website will receive a Virgin Australia offer about the destination. Tourism Australia will then report back if anyone clicked on the deal and Virgin Australia will let them know if the person booked.

“In layman’s terms it is tracking information that’s happening on and then we are also tracking those people as they go across onto the Virgin site – and then sharing that interaction.”

John Mackenney, Tourism Australia Head of Digital

Virgin Australia planes

It’s the first data sharing agreement for Tourism Australia and according to Mackenney will help modernise the bureau’s marketing efforts, particularly amongst travellers in the US.

He continued, saying the new tracking system will also help personalise the TA website by only offering information and data of interest.

“It’s early days on the data sharing for us but we think we are pretty advanced.”

John Mackenney, Tourism Australia Head of Digital

What are your thoughts on the new tracking system?