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Taiwan on "last mile" to reopening, dropping hotel quarantine by mid-Oct

Taiwan will end the three-day hotel quarantine requirement for international travellers by 15 October 2022, along with a staged phase-out of mandatory face masks in public spaces, increasing weekly arrival limits and scrapping PCR tests on arrival.

Taiwan will end the three-day hotel quarantine requirement for international travellers by 15 October 2022, along with a staged phase-out of mandatory face masks in public spaces, increasing weekly arrival limits and scrapping PCR tests on arrival.

Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-change announced that the ‘0 +7’ quarantine system will be implemented on 13 October as well as the expansion of visa-free travel to more nations in a phased approach to reopening.

Cabinet spokesman Lo Ping-cheng said Taiwan will reinstate visa-free travel to the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan and South Korea on 29 September.

The government will also increase weekly arrival limits for international travellers by 10,000 to 60,000 with no more PCR tests for arrivals, however travellers who test positive will still need to quarantine in designated hotels, he said.

If “everything is under control”, the government is aiming to end mandatory quarantine for all arrivals from around 13 October 2022 with arrivals rising to 150,000 a week, Mr Lo said.

“This is the last mile in our fight against the pandemic,” he said.

The move sees Taiwan join Hong Kong and Japan in further easing travel restrictions to allow tourism to reboot in the region. COVID-19 border restrictions are still in place in China and North Korea.