Mastercard side lock up v2
Mastercard side lock up v2

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The face customers think we make when they say they'll cancel - Top 4 Travel Agent memes

It’s that time of the week again! That time when you can put your feet up, grab a cuppa and enjoy a few hilarious memes created specifically for you – the Travel Agent.

It’s that time of the week again! That time when you can put your feet up, grab a cuppa and enjoy a few hilarious memes created specifically for you – the Travel Agent.

This week inspiration came from a variety of places, but mostly from good ol’ Google :).

So here we go, this week’s top Travel Agent memes:


1. Cry? Naaaa



2. Waiting for the wholesaler like…



3. Asking to switch your weekends like…



4. And finally, after a client agrees to everything you’ve said


Seen any great memes? Share them with us below.