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Top 4 travel agent memes

Hi :) how's your week going? Did you land any big bookings? Make some new clients? Are you working this weekend? If so, stay positive, it'll fly by.

Hi 🙂 how’s your week going? Did you land any big bookings? Make some new clients? Are you working this weekend? If so, stay positive, it’ll fly by.

We hope you’re all happy, healthy and well and we want you to stay that way, so here are a few funny memes from Travel Agent Memes that’ll hopefully put a smile on your face.

Enjoy 🙂


1. Be careful of the chatter… who NEVER book



2. And the one who never lets go



3. You’ll want to remember to keep your distance



4. Especially when you accidentally give the wrong quote


Which is your favourite meme? Or perhaps you have a funny meme you’ve made yourself that you’d like to share with us…