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Three travel apps that’ll keep you guessing

'Travel stalk' is the newest trend among those who love a life in hot pursuit.

‘Travel stalk’ is the newest trend among those who love a life in hot pursuit.

It is no secret that for years we’ve used our Facebook profiles and, occasionally, Linkedin to have an afternoon stalk session on our exes, work colleagues and frenemies.

Who hasn’t sat on their couch on a Thursday evening, popped open the pinot and scrawled through news feeds or web pages to check up on the latest goss from our immediate circle, past and present?

“I check out my ex’s Facebook page to see how bald he’s got,” said one woman who wished to remain anonymous.

“I do it just to punish myself,” said another, who also wished to remain anonymous.

They’re not the only ones.

According to a study, from Western University, 88 per cent of people use Facebook to stalk their exes.

The other 12 per cent, we believe, are lying.

However, while exes, friends and colleagues are the prime targets for our stalking ways, it seems that travel has become the new target.

A string of apps have become a fun way to “stalk” on destination, Instagram posts and airlines.

No longer will you be playing “guess who” but rather “guess where.”

Destination Unknown


Launched in April 2014 by Amsterdam’s Schiphol International Airport, Destination Unknown is an online game that pulls Instagram photos from around the world in real time and invites players to guess which travel destination they are taken from. The interactive game was designed to allow potential travelers to explore the network of destinations that can be reached from the Dutch airport.

Don’t know? Guess it!

Stalking is not complete without knowing your subject to the last detail. If travel is your new stalk-worthy subject, then Guess it! Pic Travel, a free app that launched in June on Itunes, is your perfect match. The free app will prompt you into a guessing game by slowly revealing tile by tile until you reveal the destination.

Airport? What Airport?


It seems airports haven’t been spared either. One that’ll keep you popular among the pub trivia crowd is ‘What Airport’ an app that asks you to guess various airport codes from around the world. You’ll also need to know the difference between a Boeing 777 and a 787. Do you have what it takes to become the next plane spotter?

What travel aspect do you enjoy stalking?