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TRAVEL HACKS: What you need to pack for a healthy lifestyle on the road

No one wants to get sick while travelling but if you are unlucky enough to be struck down by illnesss on the road, being prepared will make all the difference to getting back on track.

No one wants to get sick while travelling but if you are unlucky enough to be struck down by illnesss on the road, being prepared will make all the difference to getting back on track.

Healthy Life Nutritionist Madeleine Memmolo has put together a list of the key items to pack to give yourself the best chance of staying well.

“There are a few natural products I like to take on holidays because having access to some key items at the right time can mean the difference between enjoying my hard-earned break or having a miserable time,” she explains.

Here are her top picks. 


Vitamin C


New environments, foreign pathogens and changed sleeping patterns can put our immune system under the pump. Keep some Vitamin C on hand for an easy, daily immunity boost.

Gut health


Probiotics are an essential part of keeping your gut healthy, especially when trying new and exotic foods. Herbs of Gold Probiotic + SB is the perfect companion for a travel bug, containing a useful blend of probiotics including Saccharomyces boulardii (SB), which can help reduce the risk of mild traveller’s diarrhoea.


Antiseptic spray


An antiseptic spray is a must for any traveller’s first aid kit. Known for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral qualities, tea tree can help with cuts, burns and minor wounds, as well as fending off bed bugs, mozzies and other creepy crawlies. A spot of tea tree can also help zap any pesky pimples that arise during travels.


Hand sanitiser


Every traveller needs a good hand sanitiser and this one does the job naturally without the usual chemicals found in common gel sanitisers. It also has a lovely scent, which makes it much more pleasant to use in close quarters such as trains or planes.




To protect its coral reefs, Hawaii has banned sunscreens containing some chemicals. Travellers can do the right thing by the natural environments they’re visiting and their health by stocking up on natural sunscreens before they go.

Insect Repellent

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Keep pesky mozzies and other insects at bay with this all-natural repellent. Containing tea tree oil and citronellal, it repels insects the natural way and can also help soothe insect bites.




To tackle all the thrills and spills that come with travel, every traveller should keep a travel-size pack of wet wipes handy. From a quick brow mop or make up removal on-the-go to wiping sticky fingers or cleaning a surface, wet wipes have myriad uses.



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Bamboo clothing, with its antibacterial, antifungal, breathable and odour-resistant qualities, is made for travelling. It’s also lightweight and comfy making it perfect for plane, train and automobile journeys.


Stress relief

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Stress is inevitable when travelling. As glamorous as it looks, travelling can have its fair share of setbacks and plans often go awry. Being away from home can also cause some people to feel anxious and out-of-sorts. Bach Rescue Pastilles are a special blend of bach flowers which can help with feelings of stress and anxiety. They come in a handy travel tin so relief is always within reach.

Would you add anything else to this list?