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4 new ways of working that will change your life forever

The alarm goes off. That screeching bleep in the early hours of the morning signifies the beginning of yet another work day...

The alarm goes off. That screeching bleep in the early hours of the morning signifies the beginning of yet another work day…



You drag yourself out of bed, hit the showers, pour just the right amount of cereal into a bowl and eat it while you brew coffee and grab whatever news you can off of your widescreen before facing the gauntlet of traffic that keeps you from your cubicle/office/work space.

Once present at work, you’re logging on and dealing with a procession of emails and phone calls, queries and issues. It’s the same emails, the same people, the same work load…

However, all that can change. By integrating a few tried and true tricks into your work schedule, you’ll be able to turn dissatisfaction into happy days.



1. Incorporate Flexibility


And no we don’t mean enrolling in contortionist classes.

The internet has made it possible for all of us to be connected, even remotely, anytime and anywhere. The gift given through improved technology is freedom and flexibility.

That means we now have the option to work from home, set our own work hours and catch up on loose ends without worrying about the office lights going off.

With improved technology you’ll also not have to worry so much about work attire. Sometimes the best performances are done in our underwear.


2. Work Smarter, Not Harder


For some of us, working remotely may not be an option but that doesn’t mean you can’t utilise technology to streamline your work day.

Familiarise yourself with new apps and programs that will make you breeze through tasks faster. By doing so you’ll get through your work load with ease which will leave you time to consider how to run up the corporate ladder quicker or even plot world domination.


3. Stay Up To Date On Trends


Our skills set unfortunately does not age well like wine but rather moulds away and degenerates like cheese.

That is why it is vitally important to stay up to date on various innovations that can increase your productivity and efficiency.

For travel agents, this could mean updating to new and improved software or adopting next-generation platforms used by industry leaders to harmonise communication between provider, supplier and client.


4. Know Your Limits


There’s a lot to be said about time management. If you find yourself stopping tasks to read an email that’s just popped in, or constantly cancelling social commitments to tend to tasks that could probably wait till tomorrow, you run the risk of furthering your work dissatisfaction and lowering your ability to process information.

Declutter your work schedule by applying three golden rules: learn to prioritise, maintain focus and give your mind time to rest and recover.

By prioritising your to-do list, you’ll be able to focus on tasks that need to be completed immediately and leave off those that could probably wait a day or two.


Prioritising will assist you in maintaining focus. More often than not we are drawn to tasks that seem a little more pleasurable, instead of urgent. This will only leave you with rolling deadlines. Set your sights on the must-dos and leave the want-to-dos for another time.

Lastly, always leave room for pleasure. Don’t skip on your social commitments or forego that high-impact cardio class you love so much. You don’t want to be a decrepit, old prune in your sunset years knowing all you did was work. With no play Jack really is a dull boy…


*Cheat’s Guide

For those looking for an easier way to change their work life, Amadeus offers an all-in-one solution. Amadeus Selling Platform Connect is the next-generation, completely online professional booking platform that provides travel agents with the freedom of working anywhere and at their own pace.

It requires no software installation, minimal training as it is so easy to use, and the new intuitive functionality saves time and money, so they can get more out of their day.

For more information, head to the Amadeus website.

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