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3 teas from the Middle East that you just have to try

Tea is the second most popular drink the UAE, second only to water. Whilst, black tea is standard – here are some amazing teas from the Middle East that you must try.

Tea is the second most popular drink the UAE, second only to water. Whilst, black tea is standard – here are some amazing teas from the Middle East that you must try.

Teatime may be second nature to us Australians, especially those with a British or Asian origin, what you may not be aware of is the growing tea culture in the Middle East. With most predominantly Muslim countries, it’s a great (and healthier) alternative to catching up for a drink. In fact, health benefits associated to tea has been seen as key factors to the increasing consumption of the beverage.

The most popular kind of tea in the UAE is simple traditional black tea, however green tea is becoming increasingly popular due to studies showing that it helps lower the risk of heart disease, boosts you immune system, protects against cancer, lowers blood pressure and even speeds up your metabolism.

They’re so serious about their tea now that Dubai has become the largest re-exporter of tea in the world.

Fear not, you don’t have to travel very far to try these delicious teas. Eshai here in Australia has a great selection of Middle Eastern Teas you just have to try.


1. Moroccan Mint Tea – Atai bil Na’na’


Moroccan Mint Tea – Available from

A twist on the classic Arabian black mint tea, this tea is green tea with a dash of refreshing mint. It’s traditionally brewed very sweet, try adding a few sprigs of fresh mint to take it to the next level. Perfect for a hot afternoon.



Add 1 tsp of tea to a stovetop teakettle with 1 cup of boiling water. Boil for 1 min. Steep for 2 min. Strain into cup. Sweeten to taste.

Complete the Traditional Experience

Before brewing, rinse the tea leaves in enough boiling water to cover. Swirl and strain. This reduces the green tea’s strength. Repeat up to 3 times to suit your taste. Add sugar while the tea is boiling on the stovetop for a greater depth of flavour. Garnish your cup with a few sprigs of fresh mint for an extra refreshing kick then pour from a height to aerate the tea.

Other Suggestions

Enjoy it hot or chilled! Also delicious with honey.


Green Tea, Mint, Peppermint, Spearmint.


2. Egyptian Hibiscus Tea – Karkady


Moroccan Mint Tea – Available from

The perfect summer time tea, and the drink of choice of the Pharaohs, Hibiscus Tea has some legendary refreshing qualities. This tea is caffeine free made from pure hibiscus flower and served iced or hot.



Add 1 heaped tsp of tea to a saucepan with 1 cup of water. Bring to boil. Simmer on low heat for 3-5 min. Remove from heat. Sweeten to taste. Allow to cool. Strain into cup. Serve chilled.

Complete the Traditional Experience

Generously sweeten your tea with sugar to enhance the natural flavour. Enjoy it chilled or hot!

Other Suggestions

Also delicious with honey.


Dried Hibiscus Flowers.


3. Persian Cardamom Tea – Chayi ba Hel


Persian Cardamom Tea – Available from

Going back to ancient times and featuring Darjeeling, Earl Grey and Ceylon black teas, spiced with aromatic cardamom and rose, this tea traditionally simmered over a samovar to keep the tea steaming hot as it steeps. If you’re after an aromatic full flavoured tea, then this one is a must-try.



Add 1 tsp of tea to a teapot with 1 cup of water at 100°C. Steep for 4-5 min. Strain into cup. Sweeten to taste.

Complete the Traditional Experience

Place the teapot on top of a simmering teakettle to keep the tea warm (a Samovar). To serve, pour the tea from the teapot and adjust to your desired strength by topping up with boiling water from the teakettle. Drink this tea with a sugar cube between your teeth while you sip it, Persian-style!

Other Suggestions

Also delicious with honey.


Black Tea, Cardamom, Rose Petals.


What’s your favourite type of tea? Let us know in the comments section below.