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4 tips to get promoted

Feel like it’s time to step up in your career, but seem to be overlooked when key opportunities arise? It might be your attitude hindering your promotion...

Feel like it’s time to step up in your career, but seem to be overlooked when key opportunities arise? It might be your attitude hindering your promotion…


Whether you realise it or not, unless you already have a genuinely great attitude, you’re simply not going to be able to raise your altitude, nor land that all-important job promotion.

What you can do, however, is start working on having a more positive outlook on life and apply this to whatever you do, regardless of the circumstances that come your way. This includes how you approach your daily activities, such as the way you’re handling customers or clients, plus the way you’re dealing with senior management and interacting with work colleagues.

Even how you answer your questions in the interview process will have a bearing. That’s because your responses have a certain vibration and show how much you know about what you are talking about, as well as revealing your level of self-worth.

And as a job promotion brings more responsibilities with it, by testing your mettle, not only does this indicate a good character, it also shows if you are someone who has leadership capabilities.

Indeed, some people are born with a bright disposition. But it also has a lot to do with the way you’ve been brought up.

Regardless, the following will help you get on track for a positive mindset and a promotion:


1. Raising your altitude

Smile KarryOnWhen you have a good attitude it raises your energy vibration, which makes you feel better about yourself. That is, you feel a bit ‘higher’ and more optimistic about things. And even if you’re not feeling like you have an upbeat outlook, ‘fake it ‘til you make’ isn’t a bad way to get started. That’s because it tricks our subconscious mind into believing we’ve got a positive attitude, and then our behaviours and thoughts follow suit. The other thing is, these good vibes then rub off on other people, given they generally sense and are drawn to those with a cheery approach.


2. Be authentic

AuthenticWhile the ‘faking it ‘til you make it’ philosophy is a good place to start, ultimately it’s about being authentic in your approach and showing exuberance for your new position. If you are insincere and it’s purely an ego driven accomplishment, then this will be revealed at some point, especially when challenging events are presented. That’s because when people take on new roles they usually start off well and are keen to make an impression (some wear masks of a good attitude). But it’s usually about three to six months in that their actual ability to handle things is brought to light, so it’s important to test the hallmark of that attitude early on.


3. STOP and be present

present_KarryOnWhile working on creating a more optimistic view on life is important, the other essential ingredient is being presently aware. That is, being in the now, rather than allowing your thoughts to run rampant. A good leader who is wanting to promote someone will notice how mindful you are, how present you are, and how much you listen to people. Sure, not all of us feel like we always have a good attitude and it’s perfectly okay not to feel it 100 per cent of the time, but it’s something that’s worth working on overall. For me, a good attitude is based on not reacting to people, circumstances and events. It’s also where the STOP principle comes into play, which literally means:

S for STOP.

T for take three deep breaths.

O for observe your body, emotions and how you are feeling.

P for proceed with love, compassion and intention.

So whenever you’re feeling like you don’t have a good attitude, use the STOP principle to bring you back to the present moment. What’s more, this is where a positive attitude is actually born from – being more mindful, present, content, and in the moment. It’s not born from a hectic, frazzled, pessimistic mindset.


4. Attitude adjustment

Positive_KarryOnA good attitude isn’t always talking about yourself either. As mentioned, it’s also about listening to others and connecting with people. If you can work on having a better attitude towards life, then you inherently feel better about yourself. If you’re not feeling emotional wellbeing, just say to yourself, ‘This too shall pass,’ then you can change your attitude at any time, regardless of what’s happening. By doing this, you’re letting the gatekeeper of those thoughts go through to the keeper and not just swirl in a mind that’s busy buying into the negative thoughts. That’s why working on yourself, including things like cognitive therapy and meditation, has immense benefits. After all, a positive attitude adjustment is the cornerstone to a happier, optimistic and present state of mind.

Has your attitude ever hindered you to get that promotion?