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Travel horror story: "I got pregnant at a spa party in Budapest" – Fact or fiction?

We've all heard them: horror stories from summer holidays and life on the road. But did they really happen? Here's a story from Budapest that may or may not have actually happened – you be the judge...

We’ve all heard them: horror stories from summer holidays and life on the road. But did they really happen? Here’s a story from Budapest that may or may not have actually happened – you be the judge…

Budapest is known for its spa culture. It’s also one of the premier party cities in Europe – due to its cheap drinks and budget airline access (e.g., Wizz Air).

Put these two together and what do you get: a sultry mix of spa parties, booze and – unwanted pregnancies?

Say what?


Budapest’s spa parties are infamous. Imagine thermal bath water, pumping disco beats, and scantily clad women in bikinis and bare-chested men, coupled with an underlying attitude of “there for a good time not a long time.”

Imagine that, and you’ll be close to imagining the $h!t that goes down at a “sparty” (spa + party, get it?) at the world-famous Szechenyi Spa & Baths.

Got that image firmly in your head yet?


Now picture innocent Emma (not her real name) from the UK.

Emma went to a sparty many years ago, and had a great time.

However, a few weeks later Emma started feeling a little strange.

She started feeling nauseous and so made an appointment with her doctor back in the UK.

And what did she find out.

“Congratulations! You’re pregnant!” said the doctor.


Those three words can sound so, so sweet when you’re trying to have a child.

But Emma wasn’t. And – this is the clincher – she hadn’t even had “relations” with anyone in the last three months!

So how on Earth did she fall pregnant then?

Let’s turn back time to the sparty.

In case you probably haven’t already guessed, a lot goes on at these events.


And by a lot I mean EVERYTHING.

Yep, you got it.

People actually get very intimate at these events, and so the story goes that although Emma didn’t take part in any of this extra fun herself, others did, and their “swimmers” had somehow “contaminated the water”.

Apparently, this contaminated water found its way to Emma, and, well, you can figure out the rest…


Did this really happen?

Was this the start of a new religion? Another “immaculate conception” perhaps? (#jokes)


Or is it pure fiction?

You be the judge.

Kind of makes you think twice about public baths though huh…

*Have you heard any other travel horror stories, or perhaps you have one of your own? Email me at – I’d love to hear it (and possibly even post it!).

Is this travel horror story fact or fiction? Let us know in the comments below.