Reho Travel’s CEO Karsten Horne has released the fifth video in his Rehome Travel series which showcases relatively unknown places from a local’s point of view.
Say hello to the fifth episode in the inspiring Rehome Travel series.
During this video, which you can watch below, he showcases the environment, wildlife, biodiversity, art, culture, history, and social enterprises from a local’s point of view.
In the 6-week project, Reho Travel’s CEO, Karsten Horne challenged locals in 20 countries to select a location that is close to their heart, describe it in a few words and provide a few seconds of video footage.
“The effort they went to was overwhelming”, says Karsten “With many countries in lockdown, inclement weather and technical difficulties the content I received was heart-warming” My challenge was to do it justice, by writing a verse that encapsulated their efforts. It took a lot of research and I now know more about jaguars, surfing and dinosaurs that will ever be useful.”
The video highlights the lesser-known attractions in every continent, with an aim to take the focus away from areas that have suffered from overtourism.
“When we travel to learn, rather than just turn up to teach our minds start wandering to what lies beyond the beach”.
Karsten is clearly a fan of philosopher, Alain de Botton, as he references “The Art of Travel” where the author explores why we should go and how we can become more fulfilled by doing so.
“Amongst the diversity and culture who knows what we may find if we leave ourselves at home and explore with an open mind”.
This beautiful video has a stunning soundtrack, combined with an incredible variety of unexpected footage from a diverse range of exotic locations.

From building an Earthship in New Mexico, surfing in Taiwan, participating in Green Tea Mediation in Tokyo and learning how to Salsa in Colombia the variety of experiences will leave you breathless.
Karsten is hoping this video inspires others to “see the world without damaging what they respect”.
“Something could change within us as we feel a need to protect a biodiversity which for many years we have chosen to neglect”.

Make sure you watch right until the end as Karsten ventures down to Antarctica to meet a lost penguin who nonchalantly wobbles his way into your heart and without a care in the world strikes for the horizon. The poem ends with a strong message that could easily have come from the penguin.
“We must allow the planet to heal and for society to rebuild and reset. In the meantime, we can travel through anticipation until our needs are met”.
Where are your clients anticipating to travel to?
Do you think we will all travel differently, or do you think once the flood gates open, your clients will be chasing a deal, no matter the consequences?
READ: Right In The Feels: Rehome Travel’s Touching New Video
Header image credit: Larissa Pantanal