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48 hours in Wellington on a budget

KarryOn contributor Siân Edwards is a Sydney-based freelance writer and food and travel blogger who’s travelled to more than 20 countries. When she’s not travelling, she’s instagramming at @blondetourist.

KarryOn contributor Siân Edwards is a Sydney-based freelance writer and food and travel blogger who’s travelled to more than 20 countries. When she’s not travelling, she’s instagramming at @blondetourist.

Wellington is a great place to visit for a short weekend getaway or part of a longer trip to the island nation. With flights* regularly on special you can even get travel for the same price as flights from Sydney to Melbourne or Adelaide so it’s great for people on a budget or looking for a fun weekender.

*I highly recommend Air New Zealand, they were fantastic and have a hilarious safety video which changes all the time.  Like their Hobbit safety video.

Wondering what to do in Wellington? Here’s my top 10 list of things to do and see in Wellington:


1. Mt Victoria Lookout (free!)


Go for a walk (or if you’re lazy a bus) to the top of Mt Victoria for the best view of the whole city.  We trekked up through the lush forest  to the top and watched the ferries sail in and out – it’s a bird’s eye view and the perfect start to your day in the windy city.


If you’re a fan of Lord of the Rings, you can hunt around for the film locations or pay to join a tour and visit the beautiful art deco theatre where the world premiere was held.


2. Walk around Oriental Bay (free!)


After our view from the summit, my personal guide Miss Kiwi took me down the beautiful Oriental Bay walk which took us around the water’s edge and brought us to this beautiful beach and Wellington Harbour. It’s one of her favourite places to show visitors.


Enjoy the seabreeze and stop at the small beach along the way. In Summer, I’m told the walkway is packed but even in Winter you’re sharing the popular path with  runners and cyclists so be careful!


Hungry yet? We stopped at Beach Babylon for lunch on our walk – very cute waiters in vintage gear and yummy food.


3.  Wellington Harbour (and the boatsheds) – free!


As you continue around the Oriental Bay walk you’ll end up in beautiful Wellington Harbour, if you miss these, ask a local where the colourful boatsheads are in the Marina. They’re super photogenic and you can sit on the dock and look at all the beautiful yachts you can’t afford.


4. Te Papa Museum (free!)


Te Papa is a must see on your trip to Wellington. It’s great for kids and adults (big kids) alike and is right on the waterfront. We walked straight there after our walk around Oriental Bay.

It has wonderful interactive experiences, exhibitions on New Zealand’s Maori history, art and people. We had fun running around looking at all the different sections. There’s even a cafe and outdoor rainforest.


Highlights: GIANT SQUID (grooossssss!), earthquake house and full size Maori huts and boats.


5. The Cable Car to Botanic Gardens (Cheap!)


The best way to travel up this hill is by jumping aboard the restored heritage cable car from downtown Wellington up to the Botanic Gardens (free) where you can enjoy more sweeping views of the city and harbour from the opposite side of town to Mt Victoria lookout.


The infamous red cable car gives you great views of the city as you travel up the incline. Soak it all in!


6. Botanic Gardens (free!)


And when you reach the top, you arrive at the enchanting botanical gardens with almost 25 hectares of protected indigenous flora and fauna to enjoy. Walk around the different sections and appreciate the beauty of NZ nature.


7. Carter Observatory


For the science geeks, you can visit the Carter Observatory while you’re atop the mountain as it resides in the Botanic Gardens overlooking the city.  It’s open daily from 10am with telescope viewing Tuesdays and Saturdays if you’re astrologically inclined.


8. Tour of ‘The Beehive’ or NZ’s Parliament House (free!)


While you’re there, you may as well learn more about the capital city’s political history with a free tour of the infamous ‘Beehive’ building and parliamentary buildings located in the city centre. Walk the halls of political change and learn more about New Zealand’s political heritage – it’s actually pretty interesting!


9. Cuba Street


If shopping is more your thing then a stop in Cuba Street is a must! This pedestrian strip houses the infamous Bucket Fountain, a water wheel of colour and fun and great boutique shops, cafes and pubs along the way. It’s a little bit bohemian with weekend and night markets and has a bit of everything.




10. Grab a drink.. or two


Lonely Planet says Wellington has more bars and restaurants per capita than New York and with one on every corner I believe it. It’s a great city to socialise and grab good food and drink while you wander the small city by foot.

In fact they have a fun foodie event called Welly on a Plate every August which I’m so sad I haven’t got to yet – it looks like great opportunity to eat and drink all the city and surrounds has to offer!

And for the regular visitor, let’s just say, you won’t have any trouble finding a quiet place for a bevvy in this city!


Try Murphys in Cuba Street or The Establishment (free champers for the ladies on Wednesday nights) in Courtenay Place for some fun. Locals will have no problems directing you to their favourites either.


Umm ok, so 11. Wairarapa


And my last hot tip is rent a car or hop on a train to the Wairarapa, only an hour or so from the capital city. Essentially the Hunter Valley of Wellington, it’s one of the top food and wine regions in the country and offers a range of activities from winery tours, hiking trails, surfing and swimming spots and lots more. Definitely a place not to miss if you have the time!


Have you done any of these during a trip to Wellington? Let us know in the comments section or tweet @karryontravel

For more from Siân Edwards visit: http://