Luxury side lock up Apr 2024
Luxury side lock up Apr 2024


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A&K unveils new Americas collection with 10 new journeys

Abercrombie & Kent (A&K) has released a new Americas collection, with 10 new journeys to South America and Canada, and 17 refreshed journeys across both continents.

Abercrombie & Kent (A&K) has released a new Americas collection, with 10 new journeys to South America and Canada, and 17 refreshed journeys across both continents.

A&K says travel to South America is set to soar in 2025 with bookings for countries like Peru and Argentina on the rise, while Canada continues to be on trend for 2024.

Its new tours, in response to that demand, include the 20-day Andean Adventure in Chile, Bolivia and Peru, where guests head to the ethereal moonscapes of the Atacama Desert in Chile, and the salt flats of Bolivia and La Paz.

They’ll savour Peru’s famed cuisine, explore its rich textile traditions and visit the iconic Machu Picchu. 

The 20-day A&K Andean Adventure takes guests to Chile, Bolivia and Peru
The 20-day A&K Andean Adventure takes guests to Chile, Bolivia and Peru

Coffee lovers should opt for ‘Classic Colombia’, an 11-day tour through the palm-fringed beaches of Colombia, where there’s plenty of time to sip your way around its mountainous coffee region, take in the Old Town in Cartagena, and spend a day in the Rosario Islands. 

For those who love wildlife, few places beat the Galapagos Islands. On a new 14-day tour, guests will encounter species found nowhere else on Earth, like the gargantuan, prehistoric tortoise, and have a chance to swim with sea lions, fur seals, and turtles.

Wildlife abounds in the Galapagos
Wildlife abounds in the Galapagos, a new A&K tour

British Columbia has long been on top of the travel to-do list for most, and in this new eight-day, private tour, guests can go on a glamping adventure to Vancouver Island, before a scenic flight to Clayoquot Sound, where the whole family can go rock climbing, surfing or kayaking. There’s also plenty of time to seek out bears, whales, sea lions, and otters.

For those who are after a more active adventure, the nine-day Canadian Rockies Adventure means there’s plenty of time to explore the UNESCO-listed national parks, Yoho, Jasper and Banff, and wind through valleys, glaciers and rocky gorges on the famous Highway 93.

It's picture-perfect views practically everywhere in British Columbia
It’s picture-perfect views practically everywhere in British Columbia, a new A&K tour

And slow travellers will love the eight-day Classic Rockies and Rocky Mountaineer Train Journey. From snow-capped peaks and tranquil alpine valleys, to emerald lakes, guests can sit back and relax in a glass-domed carriage from Banff to Vancouver. Finish in the picture-perfect town of Whistler.

For more information, visit A&K.