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The Evolution of Souvenirs

Irish lucky charm key rings , German beer glasses and kangaroo coasters. We have all been filling up our suitcases with trinkets and tourist tokens from our holidays and this is not a new phenomenon.

Irish lucky charm key rings , German beer glasses and kangaroo coasters. We have all been filling up our suitcases with trinkets and tourist tokens from our holidays and this is not a new phenomenon.

Souvenirs are a multi-million dollar business and have always formed a crucial part of the travel experience. From the Ultimate European Excursion, the souvenir spoons mania that gripped America, to the kitschy fridge magnets of today, the first Souvenir Series mapped out by  Holiday Inn, takes the reader through a journey of souvenir discovery.

The brand uncovers key dates, trends and fads that have impacted what and why travellers collect souvenirs since 980BC, including where the world’s largest gift shop can be found and which nation of travellers spend the most on souvenirs.


The Evolution of Souvenirs is the first installment in the journey to uncover the history and current trends of popular keepsakes

The Evolution of Souvenirs is a prelude to a multi-part Souvenir Series, of infographics developed from a survey of travellers across Asia, the Middle East and Africa. The series delves into the cultural nuances, buying habits and perceptions of souvenir sharing across a wide range of nationalities and ages – and unveil some of the worst and best souvenirs that survey respondents have either received or bought for themselves.

“Souvenirs are an integral part of the travel experience – everyone has a souvenir that are treasured momentos of a great trip, as well as ones that might have quickly found their way to the back of a cupboard, said Lee Lin Teo, Director of Brand Management for the Holiday Inn Brand Family across Asia, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) at InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG)

“The Souvenir Series gives us the opportunity to uncover not only what travellers like to bring home and share with friends, family and colleagues but also provides an incredible insight into the differences across this diverse and culturally rich region. We always want to learn more about our guests and provide new and exciting experiences, so we are looking forward to the insights from this research.” Lee Lin Teo, Director of Brand Management,  Holiday Inn.

What has been your most embarrassing souvenir to date?