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2 grandmas board a plane for the first time & their reactions will truly brighten up your day

It's almost impossible to imagine - especially if you're a millennial -, but in a different day-and-age, travel just wasn't as accessible as it is today.

It’s almost impossible to imagine – especially if you’re a millennial -, but in a different day-and-age, travel just wasn’t as accessible as it is today.

During the Golden Age of Travel, and just as the TV series Mad Men portrayed it, flying was generally reserved for those with a little extra cash laying around or business travellers.


It was also the same period where smoking inflight was totally fine, but that’s a story for another day.

Anyway, the point is – there are a whole bunch of people who grew up during that period of limited travel that, believe it or not, have never been on a plane.

For whatever reason, even when flying became mainstream, they opted to avoid it.

Like these two lovely ladies named An and Ria.

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Before 2014, the pair had never thought about flying let alone actually buying a ticket and boarding a plane.

“So many people and all that luggage… you couldn’t get me in one of those for any amount of money.”

That was until Vodafone intervened and convinced them to take a 32,000-feet journey.

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Their first ever plane ride was filmed and shared back in 2014, we’ve dug it up from the archives because their reactions are timeless and will truly brighten up your day.

Check out the clip below to see An and Ria on their first sky high journey.

Do you remember your first time flying? How did you react?