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Breaking up is hard to do: A travel agent’s guide to breaking up with clients

Your relationship with a client can can sometimes resemble a romantic one. You plan together, dream together, and create magical experiences. But just like in love, there may come a time when you need to part ways with a client. And some sooner than others.

Your relationship with a client can can sometimes resemble a romantic one. You plan together, dream together, and create magical experiences. But just like in love, there may come a time when you need to part ways with a client. And some sooner than others.

This trusty guide will help you break up like a boss, leaving your clients smiling and still wanting to send you hilarious travel memes long after the final boarding call has been announced.

Recognise the signs

Just as in a romantic relationship, you need to recognise when the spark has faded. If the client’s needs no longer align with your expertise or services, it might be time to move on.

Communicate openly

Honesty is the best policy! Schedule a face-to-face (or video call) to express your feelings and concerns. Be kind, understanding, and emphasise the value you’ve shared.

Use the “It’s not you, it’s me” approach

Draw inspiration from classic breakup lines. Explain that your business focus or current workload has shifted, and you’re unable to provide the attention they deserve.


Offer solutions

Just like offering to stay friends after a breakup, propose alternative solutions. Recommend other reliable travel agents who can cater to their needs and ensure a smooth transition.

Reflect on the good times

Take a moment to reminisce about the amazing trips you’ve planned together. Highlight the successes and memorable experiences you’ve created as a team.

Stay connected

Breaking up doesn’t mean cutting ties completely. Maintaining a relationship may mean there is room to get back together if your individual circumstances allow. Suggest ways to stay in touch, such as following each other on social media.

Offer future assistance

Assure your client that even though you’re parting ways professionally, you’re still there for them if they ever need advice or recommendations in the future.

Spread the love

Refer your ex-client to other professionals who may better suit their travel desires. It’s like introducing them to potential new love interests!

Embrace new connections

Just as one romance ends, new opportunities arise. Focus on nurturing relationships with new clients who align better with your expertise and vision.


Remember, breaking up with a client doesn’t have to be a dramatic affair. Maybe someday, your paths will cross again, and the sequel to your client-agent love story will begin.