Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) has smashed the record in its 2023 Walk for Wellness as the industry stepped together for mental health and physical wellbeing.
For the fourth year in a row, the travel industry marched through October, flying a collective banner to prioritise mental and physical wellbeing during traditionally a busy time for the trade.
This year, NCL went above and beyond completing its steps last month – hitting a whopping long-distance record of 292,408.69 km – to be exact.
That total journey, by the way, is the average distance between Earth and Mars.
NCL team achieves long-distance record
This is the fourth year Norwegian Cruise Line (NCL) has taken to the track in the name of wellbeing, with 2023 seeing a record level of participation across the travel industry, resulting in $10,000 raised for the organisation Mood Active.
The following participants were recognised in this year’s challenge and received prizes.
- Most steps: Maree Sterling | Travel on Capri – Samsonite Eco-Friendly Luggage
- Most improved: Teresa Reyes | TravelManagers – Garmin Smartwatch
- Most engaged: Tracy King, MTA – 8,000 Partners First Rewards Points ($400)
In a recent interview with Karryon for our first Open Mindset Event, NCL’s Managing Director APAC Ben Angell spoke proudly of the ongoing success of NCL’s transformative wellness programs.
“In 2020, we started with 549 participants. This grew to 850 in 2021 and 1,100 in 2022. This year, we have doubled participation, with over 2,100 industry members participating.
“When we conducted research with our trade partners last year to measure the program’s impact, we received some encouraging results.”
- Improved Wellbeing – 92% of trade partners felt their overall wellbeing improved by taking part
- Align with Partner’s values – 99% agree that initiatives around community, wellness and environment align with their personal values
- Important to trade partners – 86% believe it is extremely or somewhat important for companies to offer initiatives like Walk for Wellness
- Increased Brand Awareness – 86% mention W4W to an industry partner or client
“It’s really pleasing to see the great work done in this space in recent years and the importance the community is now placing on mental wellness, just like other aspects of our overall physical wellness,” he said.
For more on Walk for Wellness, visit the dedicated W4W site