Getting To Know You

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Getting to know Lisa Marie from Booking Boss

Find out why Lisa Marie, the newest addition to the Booking Boss team, cried when she first visited Fiji and why she's spent hours combing fringe on Persian rugs.

Find out why Lisa Marie, the newest addition to the Booking Boss team, cried when she first visited Fiji and why she’s spent hours combing fringe on Persian rugs.


1. How long have you been in the industry?

I’ve been in the industry for 14 years. I started off my career in tourism with Bounty Cruises.


2. What was your most amazing travel experience?

It’s a toss up between crying with happiness whilst eating a burrito at Disneyland or five Days travelling around Kruger Park in South Africa searching for Wildlife.


3. What’s the weirdest job you’ve ever had?

Straight out of high school I had a very brief job as an office assistant. This required me to comb the fringe a Persian rug throughout the day.

4. What’s the first ever country you travelled to?

Fiji – I burst into tears the moment I stepped off the plane when I saw some locals welcoming us with their songs. I fell in love with their friendly culture and beautiful scenery.


5. What is on your wish list of places to visit?

Hawaii is number one on my bucket list.


6. Who was your biggest mentor growing up?

I don’t have one – but many. I think it’s important to surround yourself with people who inspire you to reach your full potential.


7. How has working in travel changed you?

It has opened me up to different cultures from all around the world. I have made life long friendships which have enriched me on a personal level.


8. What’s your biggest life achievement to date?

I get a lot of satisfaction from bringing out the best in people personally and professionally.


9. What’s your number one in-flight travel tip?

I always pack a spare set of clothes in my hand luggage should our suitcase get lost in transit.

Have a question for Lisa? Leave it below and we’ll get you the answer.


Getting to Know You is our good will gesture to promote the TIME program. The TIME program is focused on a Mentor/Mentee relationship that is ‘mentee-driven’. Mentors are drawn from the senior ranks of the industry and have generously volunteered their time and energy to the mentor process. They are matched to Mentees on the basis of non-conflicting business skills and experience that enables them to offer advice and perspective to the Mentee. The role of the Mentor is to hold their Mentee accountable and to offer challenging ideas that will inspire the Mentee, helping to building the individuals self confidence through praise, encouragement and constructive feedback.

If you are interested in joining TIME as a mentor or mentee visit their website