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NTIA winners: Charlie Trevena on winning inaugural award for individual support

Charlie Trevena called her NTIA win - for Most Popular Travel Support Service by an individual - a "once-in-a-lifetime moment". But after chatting to Trevena following her triumph, Karryon suspects there might be more such moments.

Charlie Trevena called her NTIA win – for Most Popular Travel Support Service by an individual – a “once-in-a-lifetime moment”. But after chatting to Trevena following her triumph, Karryon suspects there might be more such moments.

Considering this was the first NTIA since 2019, how special does this year’s award feel?  

This was actually my first NTIA, and I was over the moon to be nominated and then made a finalist thanks to the creation of a separate individual support category.

Taking out the win in the company of my fellow finalists, friends and support crew was the most amazing once-in-a-lifetime moment that I will never forget.

To what do you attribute your win? 

Supporting the industry consistently during its time of need. The four of us – myself, Richard, Ros and Anna – each created platforms to help in the best way we could; it kept us busy and was so rewarding to hear that what we were doing was making a difference and helping people get through.

We are so grateful and overwhelmed for all the love and support we’ve received in return; it’s made all the hard work so worthwhile!

Meet your host, Charlie Trevena!
All smiles for Charlie

How has the pandemic changed the way you operate? 

Well, in the beginning there wasn’t much time to think it through! I knew webinars were going to be essential to staying connected and I already had a lot of experience with them, so the pandemic really created a ‘now or never’ moment to bring Destination Webinars to life. 

It’s the return to normality that’s changing the way I operate. Now that everyone is busy selling and attending F2F events again, I’m adapting to what fits best into busy schedules and testing out new ideas. I have some cool new plans for 2023!

Where to now for the industry?

I think as an industry we have a huge opportunity to do things better, for ourselves, our clients and the communities we touch. Much of that stems from how we value those things and how we can work together to collectively lift our game.

By focusing on what you do best (and doing it better), you realise there is space for everyone and there is less competition than you think. 

I’m passionate about travellers being matched with the right experiences, which is one of the reasons I love what I do; because the more knowledge advisors have about destinations and suppliers, the more confidently they can serve their clients.

Learning never ends, and between both F2F and online updates, every one can stay one step ahead.

What do you love most about the travel industry?

The travel and the people. We are connected by a bond of love for travel, which is the backbone of what we do. Our industry delivers life-changing experiences and connections, and literally makes people’s dreams come true – including our own!

Read about Charlie’s Destination Webinars.