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Trump-ment Day: What does this mean for tourism?

In case you haven't heard, America has elected a man with no political experience, no sophistication of thought, and almost no hair to lead them and the rest of the free world for the next four years.

In case you haven’t heard, America has elected a man with no political experience, no sophistication of thought, and almost no hair to lead them and the rest of the free world for the next four years.

Already, some Americans are looking at Canada, and even Australia and New Zealand, as potential new homes, determined not to live in a country governed by a man who has an almost natural habit of offending anyone and everyone he comes across.

He’s even managed to offend the ASX, with the Australian market’s SPI 200 futures index going down 1.8 per cent as soon as it appeared that Trump would trump Hilary in American politic’s night of night.

It’s also been speculated that he may also cause the US dollar to drop some 15 to 20 percent in value in the coming weeks.


But now that Donald is in charge of everything (including, scarily, the nuclear codes), how will his moving into the White House affect tourism? Could there be something positive to come out of his new presidency?

Well, he has threatened repeatedly that he would be building a wall along the US’s southern border to keep the Mexicans – who he refers to as thieves, drug lords, and rapists – from entering illegally.

So maybe he’ll kickstart some new tourism down south, and spark a rock-climbing scene along the Mexican wall? Perhaps one day, future generations of tourists will flock to the wall and marvel at its impressive structure, just like tourists flocking to the Great Wall in China today.

And you just know Trump’s wall is going to be “tremendous” – tremendously tremendous indeed.


Speaking of tremendous, Trump’s gigantic ego could also see him commissioning another addition to Mount Rushmore – namely, his tremendous face!

And you never know, he may also begin phasing in compulsory Russian lessons across the US education system, allowing millions of Americans to travel to Russia without worrying about that damn language barrier. Trump does love Russia it seems, and is in something resembling a bro-mance with Putin.

In all seriousness, we’ll just have to wait and see how his reign as the leader of free world will impact tourism. But the uncertainty it is breeding around the world is definitely not a good thing.

How do you think Trump’s win will affect the tourism industry?