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Halloween special: The scariest airport codes EVER!

In the lead up to what is definitely the scariest night of the year, Halloween, we thought it about right to divulge to our loyal readers some of the scariest airport codes in the industry.

In the lead up to what is definitely the scariest night of the year, Halloween, we thought it about right to divulge to our loyal readers some of the scariest airport codes in the industry.

True, we’ve already written a story on the scariest airports you’d never want to fly into…

But there’s nothing like an amusing three-letter airport code to hit the spot on the spot on a Friday afternoon. Right?

So are you ready to get your scary on?!

Let’s go!


Boo – Bodo, Norway


Imagine flying here in the dead of winter, when its complete darkness for months at a time…


SAW – Istanbul, Turkey


This is one mask you never, ever, EVER want to see…


Ded – Dehradun, India


Let’s hope that IATA code stays on your itinerary and not next to your name…


Hel – Helsinki, Finland


Yep, you can buy a one-way ticket to Hel(l)…


BOM – Mumbai, India


Be careful when saying this IATA code at airports. Security personnel aren’t exactly known for their sense of humour…


CUT – Cutral-Co, Argentina


Let’s hope a paper cut is the only incision you experience on this flight.


RAA – Rakanda, Papua New Guinea


Coming face to face with one of these creatures in the wild is likely to spell the end of your travels.


AXE – Xanxere, Brazil


You definitely don’t want to sit next to this dude on a plane…


OMG – Omega, Namibia


That face you make when you’re lucky enough to get upgraded.


Kil – Kilwa, Congo


Yep, definitely not the safest country to travel to…

Check out some of our other airport code stories, such as 7 of the rudest airport codes ever, 13 of the funniest airport codes known to man, and the hilarious airport code chronicles.

What is your favourite scary airport code? Let us know in the comments below… We DARE you!